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    Perceptions of Parenting Practices and Psychological Variables of Elite and Sub-Elite Youth Athletes
    with Pedro Teques, Luís Calmeiro, António Rosado, and Sidónio Serpa
    Frontiers in Psychology 10. 2019.
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    A Cor do Indizível — ou da Estética da Lógica em Ludwig Wittgenstein
    Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 38 (1). 1982.
    We want to show the importance of the later Wittgensteinian's reflexions in "Remarks on Colour", in order to consider the manifestations of what is unsay able. First, we begin remarking the critical nature of Wittgenstein's logic and we point out the various limitations of language starting with the views exposed in the Tractatus up to those of the Philosophical Investigations. We establish a relationship between this process and the one used by Kant in his philosophy commenting on the limits of…Read more