12Provoking feminisms (edited book)University of Chicago Press. 2000.A collection of essays, comments and replies on some of the contentious issues in feminist theory. Specific conversations centre on topics of debate such as feminist standpoint theory; gender as an analytic category; problems with sexual difference; and privacy and representations of the personal. Each exchange covers issues central to feminist scholarship and includes discussions from a cross-section of disciplines: political/social theory, philosophy, sociology, cultural studies and critical t…Read more
12Feminisms at a millennium (edited book)University of Chicago Press. 2000.Last year the editors of Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society invited feminists worldwide to comment on the millennial transition. Representing a disciplinary and generational range of writers, the resulting collection is at turns inspiring, troubling, provocative, despairing, celebratory. Some of the essays give voice to anxieties, others are more hopeful some reflect back, others look forward. Many of these fifty-plus short essays speak to themes of gender, nationality, global indepe…Read more
University of WashingtonDepartment of Philosophy
Seattle, Washington, United States of America
Areas of Interest
Epistemology |
Philosophy of Mind |
Aesthetics |
Philosophy of Gender, Race, and Sexuality |