43Seneca's Cosmos C. Schmitz: Die Kosmische Dimension in den Tragödien Senecas. (Untersuchungen zur antiken Literatur und Geschichte, 39.) Pp. xii+250. Berlin, New York: de Gruyter, 1993. DM 158 (review)The Classical Review 44 (02): 279-280. 1994.
42Rita Degl'Innocenti Pierini: Tra Ovidio e Seneca. (Edizioni Saggi Universitari di Filologia Classica, 44.) Pp. 323. Bologna: Patron, 1990. Paper, L. 35,000 (review)The Classical Review 42 (01): 196-197. 1992.
42Senecan Studies S. Audano (ed.): Seneca nel bimillenario della nascita . Pp. 204. Pisa: Edizioni Ets, 1998. Paper, L. 30,000. ISBN: 88-467-0107- (review)The Classical Review 49 (01): 79-. 1999.
42Seneca's Agamemnon R. J. Tarrant: Seneca, Agamemnon. (Cambridge Classical Texts and Commentaries, 18.) Pp. viii + 409. Cambridge: University Press, 1976. Cloth, £15 (review)The Classical Review 28 (02): 254-256. 1978.
39Seneca - E. Hachmann: Die Führung des Lesers in Senecas Epistulae morales. (Orbis Antiquus, 31.) Pp. viii+327. Münster: Aschendorff, 1995. Paper, DM 68/ÖS 503/SFr. 63. - J. M. Cooper, J. F. Procopé: Seneca: Moral and Political Essays. (Cambridge Texts in the History of Political Thought.) Pp. xl+324. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1995. Cased, £40.00 (Paper, £14.95) (review)The Classical Review 46 (2): 273-275. 1996.
35AN ANTHOLOGY OF LETTERS M. B. Trapp (ed.): Greek and Latin Letters. An Anthology with Translation . (Cambridge Greek and Latin Classics.) Pp. xi + 348. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2003. Cased, £47.50 (Paper, £17.99). ISBN: 0-521-49597-0 (0-521-49943-7 pbk) (review)The Classical Review 54 (02): 335-. 2004.
28D. R. Slavitt : Seneca: The Tragedies, Vol. II. Pp. xliv+261. Baltimore, London: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1995. Cased, £37 (review)The Classical Review 45 (2): 445-446. 1995.
26B. W. Häuptli: Seneca, Oedipus. (Editiones Helveticae.) Pp. 122 + 106; 15 black and white illustrations. Frauenfeld: Huber, 1983. Paper, Sw.frs. 14.80 (review)The Classical Review 34 (2): 326-326. 1984.
24Simulacrum et imago. Gli argomenti analogici nel De rerum natura (review)The Classical Review 41 (2): 481-482. 1991.
23Senecas Naturales Quaestiones: Komposition, naturphilosophische Aussagen und ihre Quellen (review)The Classical Review 41 (1): 238-239. 1991.
21Nicola Trevet. Commento alle ‘Troades’ di Seneca (review)The Classical Review 28 (2): 350-351. 1978.
21D. F. Sutton: Seneca on the Stage. (Mnemosyne, Suppl. 96.) Pp. vii + 72. Leiden: Brill, 1986. Paper, fl. 30The Classical Review 38 (1): 153-153. 1988.
19Seneca's Troades. Introduction, Text, Translation and Commentary (review)The Classical Review 45 (2): 446-447. 1995.
19Religio, Natura, Voluptas: Studi su Lucrezio. Con un' antologia di testi annotati e tradotti (review)The Classical Review 40 (1): 154-155. 1990.
15Lucrezio: l'atomo e la parola. Colloquio lucreziano Bologna 26 gennaio 1989 (review)The Classical Review 41 (1): 231-232. 1991.
15La pagina e la sapienza: memoria suite ‘antilabai’ nei manoscritti senechiani (review)The Classical Review 40 (2): 491-492. 1990.
15Folie et douleur dans Hercule Furieux et Hercule sur l'Oeta. Recherches sur l'expression esthétique de l'ascèse stoïcienne chez Sénèque (review)The Classical Review 40 (2): 490-491. 1990.
14Among the competency standards stipulated by the Australian Nursing and Midwifery Council for graduating students are competencies in moral and ethical decision making and ethics education within professions such as nursing has traditionally focussed on these competencies, on raising ethical awareness and developing skills of analysis and reasoning. However, ethics education in tertiary settings places less emphasis on developing students’ capacities to act on their values. This paper explains a…Read more
13Il ‘Thyestes’ di Seneca: Sentieri ermeneutici (review)The Classical Review 42 (2): 443-444. 1992.
13Seneca, Tieste. Testo criticamente riveduto e annotato (review)The Classical Review 40 (2): 488-489. 1990.