•  43
    Physicists’ views on scientific realism
    with Hannah Tomczyk and Christoph Sperber
    European Journal for Philosophy of Science 14 (1): 1-27. 2024.
    Do physicists believe that general relativity is true, and that electrons and phonons exist, and if so, in what sense? To what extent does the spectrum of positions among physicists correspond to philosophical positions like scientific realism, instrumentalism, or perspectivism? Does agreement with these positions correlate with demographic factors, and are realist physicists more likely to support research projects purely aimed at increasing knowledge? We conducted a questionnaire study to scru…Read more
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    Philosophy as Dialogue
    International Journal of Philosophical Studies 31 (5): 730-734. 2024.
    Philosophy as Dialogue is a curious collection of papers: it brings together an eclectic set of Putnam’s writings on various topics, from realism to ethics, from perception to quantum mechanics, al...
  •  14
    Philosophy as Dialogue is a curious collection of papers: it brings together an eclectic set of Putnam’s writings on various topics, from realism to ethics, from perception to quantum mechanics, al...
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    From theory to experience, in James’ voice (review)
    Metascience 32 (3): 349-350. 2023.
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    Framed and framing inquiry: a pragmatist proposal
    Synthese 201 (2): 1-25. 2023.
    In this article, I draw an important distinction between two kinds of inquiry. “Framed inquiries” take for granted and use a conceptual framework in order to ask and answer questions, while “framing inquiries” require the creation, revision, or expansion of the conceptual framework itself in order to address the problem at hand. This distinction has been largely ignored in epistemology, and collapsed by two radically opposed philosophical camps: representationalism and antirepresentationalism. W…Read more
  •  49
    John Dewey: Was the Inventor of Instrumentalism Himself an Instrumentalist?
    Hopos: The Journal of the International Society for the History of Philosophy of Science 13 (1): 120-150. 2023.
    In discussing instrumentalism in philosophy of science, John Dewey is rarely studied, but rather mentioned in passing to credit him for coining the label. His instrumentalism is often interpreted as the view that science is an instrument designed to control the environment and satisfy our practical ends, or likened to the Duhemian view that scientific objects are useful fictions for organizing observable phenomena. Dewey was careful to qualify the first view and deni…Read more
  •  227
    Conceptual engineering and pragmatism: historical and theoretical perspectives
    Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy. forthcoming.
    Conceptual engineering takes a distinctively normative and reconstructive approach to our conceptual repertoire. This approach is congenial to the ideas defended by philosophers belonging to the multifaceted tradition of American and Cambridge Pragmatism. This special issue is devoted to the investigation and development of these connections. Our introduction maps some of the historical and theoretical entanglements between the two fields and gives a short overview of the contributions to the sp…Read more
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    This chapter examines Dewey’s view of moral knowledge developed in Chapter 14 of the Ethics. I focus more specifically on the role played by sympathy in moral inquiry. While Dewey claims that sympathy is “the general principle of moral knowledge” as well as “the surest way to attain objectivity of moral knowledge,” it has not been the object of any extensive discussion by commentators on Dewey’s ethics. I emphasize the originality of Dewey’s position by contrasting it with that of David Hume, Ad…Read more
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    This thesis develops Dewey’s theory of inquiry and provides a novel perspective on what realists consider to be Dewey’s most controversial claims: his rejection of the view that inquiry aims at providing an accurate representation of reality, his claim that the object of knowledge is constructed, and his definition of truth in terms of warranted assertibility or fulfilment of the requirements of a problem. My strategy is to draw a gradual and relative distinction between what I call “framed” and…Read more
  •  28
    Roberto Gronda. Dewey’s Philosophy of Science (review)
    Philosophy of Science 88 (3): 567-571. 2021.
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    Joëlle Zask, La Démocratie aux Champs (review)
    European Journal of Pragmatism and American Philosophy 10 (2). 2018.
    In her book La Démocratie aux Champs, French philosopher Joëlle Zask wishes to overturn the longstanding prejudice according to which democratic ideals essentially grow out of and thrive in big cities, and are antithetical to agricultural life. Whether in 19th century Europe or in contemporary United States, peasants are widely seen as conservative, bigoted and apolitical, while urban residents typically represent a more progressive and politically minded population. Against this view, but al...
  •  18
    Levine Steven, Pragmatism, Objectivity, and Experience (review)
    European Journal of Pragmatism and American Philosophy 11 (2). 2019.
    Can pragmatists give a satisfactory account of the way our thoughts and claims are causally and normatively constrained by a mind-independent world? The question regarding the relations between pragmatism and objectivity, or pragmatism and realism, has animated pragmatists and its critics alike since the beginnings of the movement. Pragmatists have been accused of all the bad -isms of philosophy: subjectivism, idealism, relativism, irrationalism, to name but a few. Its most fervent critics sa...