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    Using Husserl’s Natural Attitude to Understand the Change Process within Cognitive Therapy
    Journal of Phenomenological Psychology 50 (2): 189-224. 2019.
    The following paper argues that Husserl’s description of the natural attitude can be used as an alternative to Beck’s cognitive therapy’s understanding of the change process and the perpetuation of an emotional disorder. Conversely this also provides further insight into the natural attitude. Specifically the works of Sebastian Luft and Alfred Schutz are referred to as a means of developing what is termed by the paper as the universalising attitude. The paper extrapolates the incidental, yet sig…Read more
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    Husserlian phenomenology has often been cited as having influenced research methodologies within nursing research and psychology. However, at the same time, Husserl is explicitly opposed to what he termed as psychologism. The following thesis argues that Husserl’s opposition to the psychology of his day was based specifically upon his opposition of naturalism’s treatment of consciousness. Moreover, the thesis argues that there is a tendency within the Social Sciences to misread Husserlian Phenom…Read more