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    An auto-tuning framework for parallel multicore stencil computations
    with S. Kamil, L. Oliker, J. Shall, and S. Williams
    Although stencil auto-tuning has shown tremendous potential in effectively utilizing architectural resources, it has hitherto been limited to single kernel instantiations; in addition, the large variety of stencil kernels used in practice makes this computation pattern difficult to assemble into a library. This work presents a stencil auto-tuning framework that significantly advances programmer productivity by automatically converting a straightforward sequential Fortran 95 stencil expression in…Read more
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    Feasibility Study -- Project Full Breeze
    with K. Araujo, K. Dykes, A. Kalmikov, K. Ferrigno, B. Palmintier, S. Lee, and M. Lipson
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