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    Orchestrating Multi-Agent Knowledge Ecosystems: The Role of Makerspaces
    with Jia-Lu Shi
    Frontiers in Psychology 13. 2022.
    In the knowledge economy, the process of knowledge sharing and creation for value co-creation frequently emerge in a multi-agent and multi-level system. It's important to consider the roles, functions, and possible interactive knowledge-based activities of key actors for ecological development. Makerspace as an initial stage of incubated platform plays the central and crucial roles of resource orchestrators and platform supporter. Less literature analyses the knowledge ecosystem embedded by make…Read more
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    Zhuangzi: The Complete Writings trans by Brook Ziporyn
    Philosophy East and West 70 (4): 1-5. 2020.
    The Zhuangzi is perhaps the one and only work in classical Chinese philosophy that never fails to blow one's mind with its exquisite intertwining of high frivolousness, literary power, ambiguity, ambivalence, profundity and provocativeness all at once. There is urgent need of a translation able to transmit this paradoxical reading experiences as it is. Happily, all of these qualities, with the possible exception of ambiguity, are revealed in Brook Ziporyn's Zhuangzi: The Complete Writings, with …Read more
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    Distributed mirror descent method for saddle point problems over directed graphs
    with Jueyou Li, Zhaoyang Dong, Zhiyou Wu, and Minghai Yao
    Complexity 21 (S2): 178-190. 2016.
  • An Outline to the Study of Practical Learning in the Early Stage of Qing Dynasty
    Philosophy of the Social Sciences 35 (2): 67-72. 2005.
    Qing Dynasty in Chinese history of the last feudal dynasty, the traditional academic point has reached a higher level. Qin has appeared in various academic schools and academic thinking, which can be found in the Qing Dynasty most evolution of the trajectory and destination. Wang Fu-chih, Gu, xi, and others advocate study of statecraft, this is really the Qing Dynasty marked the beginning of the academic school, initially laid late Qing Qian Jia Han and the basis for new learning. The classics o…Read more
  • Qu You Reverified
    with Jian-guo Li
    Nankai University (Philosophy and Social Sciences) 3 40-46. 1997.
    Based on the Qu Ming and his friends the writings and notes Fangzhi other book records, birth and death of Qu year before Going to the experience of writing and its relatives other items, to be verified. When the test set their date of birth is Yuan positive seven years , Death should Xuande eight years , corrected in the past few into the conclusion of the traditional view. And Qu You Rushi before seeking shelter, reading, literature, make friends, love and marital status examination to describ…Read more
  • Bureaucracy and Transformation of Governmental Management Models
    Nankai University (Philosophy and Social Sciences) 4 21-28. 2006.
    Bureaucracy is an organizational form of governance. Period in the industrial society, it has played an important role. However, in the information society, the bureaucratic system is facing a deep crisis, and its internal information and incentive mechanism is not suited to cause crisis. The rise in the world of "new public management" movement is the response to the crisis. The transformation of Chinese bureaucratic system in China has made ​​important contributions to economic growth, but fur…Read more
  • State and Property: Contradiction?
    Nankai University (Philosophy and Social Sciences) 6 76-84. 2004.
    The relationship between the state and property determines a country's long-term economic performance. Born in state intervention in property rights within the exclusive power of the mandatory requirements, first, to maintain the power of exclusive property rights through various social mechanisms, but the evolution of property rights arrangements of this power will eventually be provided by the state. However, the State become the legitimate monopoly of coercive power by then, it may be to main…Read more
  • China Land Finance under the Financial Illusion from the Perspective of Law and Economics
    with Zhi-Qiong Qing
    Nankai University (Philosophy and Social Sciences) 1 69-78. 2009.
    In land acquisition, the government there is finances illusion. In China, urban and rural land system and land acquisition procedures split the virtual home of fiscal illusion together constitute the institutional basis of support, the rise of China's land is residential property finance and government the right to impose the results of loss of balance between the right, from the root of the financial management of the land must be start on the substantive law and procedural law double "power to…Read more
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    Laughing in Chinese (review)
    Humor 27 (1): 167-170. 2014.
    Santangelo, Paulo (ed.). 2012.Laughing in Chinese.Rome: Aracne Editrice. 472pp. €26. ISBN 97888 548 46203. This book of 15 papers is divided into four parts: humor in Chinese and Japanese literary works, examples of comic literature, the moral involvement of humor, and the psychology of humor. Santangelo provides a substantial introduction to smiles and laughter in the Chinese context and also to the papers in his book (pp. 5–28). This structure lends itself to a description and analysis of…Read more