I graduated in the History of Philosophy at the University of Salento in 2008. During my studies I attended the Paleography of Medieval Philosophical Texts in Latin course, offered at the same university by the Centre for the Edition of Medieval and Renaissance Texts (currently known as CETEFIL). My thesis, focused on the figures of Thomas Aquino and Meister Eckhart, was published in 2012 within the project "Meister Eckhart and his sources”. After my studies I completed my PhD in Philology and Hermeneutics of Text (2010-2013). It was an international doctorate, carried out at the University of Salento in collaboration with the Thomas Institut…
I graduated in the History of Philosophy at the University of Salento in 2008. During my studies I attended the Paleography of Medieval Philosophical Texts in Latin course, offered at the same university by the Centre for the Edition of Medieval and Renaissance Texts (currently known as CETEFIL). My thesis, focused on the figures of Thomas Aquino and Meister Eckhart, was published in 2012 within the project "Meister Eckhart and his sources”. After my studies I completed my PhD in Philology and Hermeneutics of Text (2010-2013). It was an international doctorate, carried out at the University of Salento in collaboration with the Thomas Institut of Cologne. The doctoral thesis was published in 2014 with the title "Sul concetto di relazione negli scritti latini di Meister Eckhart" , from which I also extracted an essay (see CV).
At the end of my doctorate, which allowed me to acquire the necessary tools for the production of critical editions and for research on the history of the transmission of medieval texts in Latin, I decided to broaden my areas of research to include my more philosophical interests: Nominalism and Realism, intentionality and theory of knowledge, logic and philosophy of language, metaphysics and ontology - topics that I still deal with today.
With this intention, I developed a research project on the problem of exemplar causality and equivocity according to Peter Auriol, which allowed me to obtain a university grant from the German academic exchange program DAAD and to carry out a postdoc in the research group of Prof. D. Perler at Humboldt Universität. I have worked and published on the doctrine of Divine Ideas and, in addition, on topics such as the distinction between essence and being and the metaphysical composition of the singular beings (see CV). During the same period, I collaborated with the De Wulf-Mansion Centre for Ancient, Medieval and Renaissance Philosophy (Belgium), contributing to the new edition of Auriol’s work. My transcriptions of some texts of Auriol’s Commentary on the Sentences are available on the official website http://www.peterauriol.net/editions/electronicscriptum/contents/ (which makes the provisional edition available to Auriol's scholars). The edition of the text "Scriptum super primum Sententiarum" , d. 19, q. 3 is instead published in the Appendix to the article on the distinction between essence and being according to Peter Auriol.
After finishing the postdoc, in 2017 I returned to Italy to collaborate on the project "Study on the debate on universals between Realists and Nominalists", directed by Prof. A. Conti at the chair of History of Medieval Philosophy at the University of L'Aquila. At the end of this project, I then won a competition to work as research fellow at the critical edition of Paul of Venice's Tractatus de universalibus, which I have been working on for three years. At the same time, I am working on my personal project, which consists in examining the influence of the Aureolian theory of mental objects in the realist tradition. As part of the latter project, I worked on Walter Burley - first on his theory of negative propositions and then on his theory of statements about the past and their truth-value (these works are in the process of publication). During the same period (2019) I worked as a scientific collaborator with the Chair of Philosophy at the Theological Faculty of the University of Lucerne, Switzerland, on the Research Project "Die Rolle Luzerns in der Geschichte der Ontologie: ein Transkriptionsprojekt von frühmodernen Handschriften".
Last but not least, I am the founder of the Azienda Agricola Olio Febo (find all info here https://www.aziendaoliofebo.com/), which produces extra virgin olive oil according to the principles of respect for the environment and the natural.