•  5
    The deconstructed ethics of Martin Heidegger, or, the university sous rature
    Educational Philosophy and Theory 53 (5): 492-504. 2021.
    Could there be a better instance of ethical conflict at the scene of the modern Western university than the case of Martin Heidegger, who in 1933 became a Nazi, arguably to elevate his own standing and career? In this article I examine the opposing ethical forces that animated Heidegger’s brief foray into Nazism, to ask whether the same forces continue to be found in the technocratized university described by Bill Readings. I address Heidegger’s own philosophy as a context in which these conflic…Read more
  •  6
    Catastrophe or apocalypse? The anthropocenologist as pedagogue
    Educational Philosophy and Theory 54 (3): 263-273. 2022.
    The fact that humans are responsible for climate change is certain. But the meaning of the fact of human responsibility is not disclosed by stating the fact: there is a distinction between the two principles, de facto and de jure, the right to state a fact and the right to assert the meaning of the fact. This distinction must be preserved in order that humans may interpret the nature of our responsibility, as a form of justice. In fact, the nature of human responsibility can never be exhaustivel…Read more
  •  22
    The spectral educationist
    Educational Philosophy and Theory 50 (14): 1352-1353. 2018.
  •  8
    The deconstructed ethics of Martin Heidegger, or, the university sous rature
    Educational Philosophy and Theory 53 (5): 492-504. 2021.
    Could there be a better instance of ethical conflict at the scene of the modern Western university than the case of Martin Heidegger, who in 1933 became a Nazi, arguably to elevate his own standing and career? In this article I examine the opposing ethical forces that animated Heidegger’s brief foray into Nazism, to ask whether the same forces continue to be found in the technocratized university described by Bill Readings. I address Heidegger’s own philosophy as a context in which these conflic…Read more