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    Spiritual Freedom and the Socialist Project (review)
    with Christine Darr
    Radical Philosophy Review 22 (2): 303-307. 2019.
  • Science and Religion: A Pedagogical Perspective (review)
    with Jacob Kohlhaas
    Religious Studies Review 44 365-371. 2018.
    Teaching courses on religion and science is no easy task as the possibilities for conceptual approaches and course materials are seemingly endless. Both “religion” and “science” denote immense human endeavors with only fuzzy boundaries. They can be compared, contrasted, and explored in numerous ways. Educators must choose how to structure their courses from among many competing perspectives and resources. Below, we review six recent books in terms of their content, perspectives, and methodologic…Read more
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    How Should We Interpret Institutional Duty-Claims?
    Electronic Journal of Business Ethics and Organization Studies 18 (1): 27-34. 2013.
    It is rather natural to suppose that what we mean when we say that an institutional organization has a moral duty is parallel to whatever it is that we mean when we say that an individual has a duty. I challenge this interpretation on the grounds that it assumes that institutional organizations possess those characteristics or abilities requisite for moral agency—an assumption which I argue is highly suspicious. Against such an interpretation, I argue that we have very good reasons to suppose th…Read more
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    An examination of themes from the works of Ludwig Feuerbach and Søren Kierkegaard as they relate to Mike Flanagan’s series, Midnight Mass.
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    We commonly attribute to states and other institutional organizations moral duties and obligations. For example, it is widely held that the state has a moral duty to protect its citizens from external threats and it is claimed that it ought to positively promote the welfare of its members. When we focus on the surface grammar of such institutional duty-claims, we see that they seem to differ from individual duty-claims only with respect to the subject of the claim. Whereas an institutional duty-…Read more
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    Facts & Opinions
    Philosophy Now 115 23-25. 2016.