•  50
    Nietzsche, Dionysus, and the Ontology of Music
    In Keith Ansell Pearson (ed.), A Companion to Nietzsche, Blackwell. 2006-01-01.
    This essay examines Nietzsche’s musical ontology and situates it within the naturalist and anti-metaphysical framework evident throughout his corpus. Nietzsche often associated this position with the figure of Dionysus, which plays a leading role in The Birth of Tragedy, his most sustained consideration of music and musical ontology. The essay returns to The Birth of Tragedy in an effort to recover Nietzsche’s musical ontology and its relationship with ontology more generally. Heeding Nietzsche’…Read more
  •  10
    Sonic flux: sound, art, and metaphysics
    University of Chicago Press. 2018.
    From Edison’s invention of the phonograph through contemporary field recording and sound installation, artists have become attracted to those domains against which music has always defined itself: noise, silence, and environmental sound. Christoph Cox argues that these developments in the sonic arts are not only aesthetically but also philosophically significant, revealing sound to be a continuous material flow to which human expressions contribute but which precedes and exceeds those expression…Read more
  •  28
    Nietzsche, Dionysus, and the Virtual
    New Nietzsche Studies 10 (1): 161-170. 2016.
  • Knowing, Being, and Interpretation in the Later Nietzsche
    Dissertation, University of California, Santa Cruz. 1994.
    This dissertation challenges the view, prevalent in the literature, that Nietzsche's later philosophy ultimately retains a Kantian distinction between the world as it is known and the world as it really is. According to the neo-Kantian reading, Nietzsche's doctrine of "perspectivism" presupposes the existence of a pre-given world upon which there are perspectives, a noumenal world that the doctrines of "becoming" and "will to power" are taken to describe. It has often been remarked that this ont…Read more
  •  47
    Nietzsche: Naturalism and Interpretation
    University of California Press. 1999.
    _Nietzsche: Naturalism and Interpretation_ offers a resolution of one of the most vexing problems in Nietzsche scholarship. As perhaps the most significant predecessor of more recent attempts to formulate a postmetaphysical epistemology and ontology, Nietzsche is considered by many critics to share this problem with his successors: How can an antifoundationalist philosophy avoid vicious relativism and legitimate its claim to provide a platform for the critique of arguments, practices, and instit…Read more
  •  98
    The "Subject" of Nietzsche's Perspectivism
    Journal of the History of Philosophy 35 (2): 269-291. 1997.
    The "Subject" of Nietzsche's Perspectivism CHRISTOPH COX FORMERLY TAKEN TO ENDORSE a profound skepticism and relativism, Nietz- sche's "doctrine of perspectivism" recently has been seen to fit within tradi- tional conceptions of epistemology and ontology? In the most recent and influential study of the matter, Maudemarie Clark maintains that, properly understood, perspectivism is "an obvious and nonproblematic doctrine. ''~ In a similar vein, Brian Leiter has recently argued that "perspectivism …Read more
  • Possibility Spaces
    with Manuel DeLanda
    In Christoph Cox, Jenny Jaskey & Suhail Malik (eds.), Realism Materialism Art, Sternberg Press. pp. 87-94. 2015.
    Manuel DeLanda discusses his neo-materialist philosophy with Christoph Cox
  •  26
    The Cambridge Companion to Foucault (review)
    International Studies in Philosophy 29 (4): 117-119. 1997.
  •  61
    Realism Materialism Art (edited book)
    with Jenny Jaskey and Suhail Malik
    Sternberg Press. 2015.
    Realism Materialism Art (RMA) introduces a diverse selection of new realist and materialist philosophies and examines their ramifications in the arts. Encompassing neo-materialist theories, object-oriented ontologies, and neo-rationalist philosophies, RMA serves as a primer on “speculative realism,” considering its conceptual innovations as spurs to artistic thinking and practice and beyond. Despite their differences, these philosophical positions propose that thought can and does think outside …Read more
  •  17
    Nietzsche's Philosophy of Science (review)
    Review of Metaphysics 48 (4): 886-887. 1995.
    Babich implicitly takes as her starting point a statement from the 1886 preface to The Birth of Tragedy, where Nietzsche praises his first book for having raised "a new problem--... the problem of science itself," and for having "dared... to look at science from the point of view of the artist, but at art from that of life." Indeed, though she focuses on the later texts, particularly the later Nachla, the interpretive framework of Babich's book is drawn from The Birth of Tragedy. There, Nietzsch…Read more
  •  13
    Nietzsche (review)
    Teaching Philosophy 18 (2): 186-188. 1995.
  •  86
    Nietzsche, Naturalism, and Interpretation
    International Studies in Philosophy 27 (3): 3-18. 1995.
    _Nietzsche: Naturalism and Interpretation_ offers a resolution of one of the most vexing problems in Nietzsche scholarship. As perhaps the most significant predecessor of more recent attempts to formulate a postmetaphysical epistemology and ontology, Nietzsche is considered by many critics to share this problem with his successors: How can an antifoundationalist philosophy avoid vicious relativism and legitimate its claim to provide a platform for the critique of arguments, practices, and instit…Read more
  •  12
    Construing “Construing Perspectivism”
    International Studies in Philosophy 34 (3): 35-40. 2002.
  •  52
    Nietzsche’s Anti-Realism
    International Studies in Philosophy 34 (3): 29-34. 2002.
  •  32
    Nietzsche (review)
    Teaching Philosophy 18 (2): 186-188. 1995.
  •  33
    Cartographies: Poststructuralism and the Mapping of Bodies and Spaces
    with Rosalyn Diprose and Robyn Ferrell
    Substance 21 (1): 133. 1992.
  • Introduction
    with Jenny Jaskey and Suhail Malik
    In Christoph Cox, Jenny Jaskey & Suhail Malik (eds.), Realism Materialism Art, Sternberg Press. pp. 15-31. 2015.