102Predictive policing and algorithmic fairnessSynthese 201 (6): 1-29. 2023.This paper examines racial discrimination and algorithmic bias in predictive policing algorithms (PPAs), an emerging technology designed to predict threats and suggest solutions in law enforcement. We first describe what discrimination is in a case study of Chicago’s PPA. We then explain their causes with Broadbent’s contrastive model of causation and causal diagrams. Based on the cognitive science literature, we also explain why fairness is not an objective truth discoverable in laboratories bu…Read more
1Linguistic diversity in philosophyIn David Ludwig & Inkeri Koskinen (eds.), Global Epistemologies and Philosophies of Science, Routeldge. 2021.
118On the person-based predictive policing of AIEthics and Information Technology 23 (3): 165-176. 2020.Should you be targeted by police for a crime that AI predicts you will commit? In this paper, we analyse when, and to what extent, the person-based predictive policing (PP) — using AI technology to identify and handle individuals who are likely to breach the law — could be justifiably employed. We first examine PP’s epistemological limits, and then argue that these defects by no means refrain from its usage; they are worse in humans. Next, based on major AI ethics guidelines (IEEE, EU, and RIKEN…Read more
63Achieving Equity with Predictive Policing Algorithms: A Social Safety Net PerspectiveScience and Engineering Ethics 27 (3): 1-16. 2021.Whereas using artificial intelligence (AI) to predict natural hazards is promising, applying a predictive policing algorithm (PPA) to predict human threats to others continues to be debated. Whereas PPAs were reported to be initially successful in Germany and Japan, the killing of Black Americans by police in the US has sparked a call to dismantle AI in law enforcement. However, although PPAs may statistically associate suspects with economically disadvantaged classes and ethnic minorities, the …Read more
91New Data on the Linguistic Diversity of Authorship in Philosophy JournalsErkenntnis 84 (4): 953-974. 2019.This paper investigates the representation of authors with different linguistic backgrounds in academic publishing. We first review some common rebuttals of concerns about linguistic injustice. We then analyze 1039 authors of philosophy journals, primarily selected from the 2015 Leiter Report. While our data show that Anglophones dominate the output of philosophy papers, this unequal distribution cannot be solely attributed to language capacities. We also discover that ethics journals have more …Read more
824Non-Holistic Meaning Anatomism and the No-Principled-Basis ConsiderationCHUL HAK SA SANG - Journal of Philosophical Ideas 201-221. 2017.Jerry Fodor and Ernest Lepore (1999/2002) frame the debate over meaning holism in terms of a distinction between meaning atomism and meaning anatomism. The former holds that the meaning of an expression E is determined by some relation between E and some extra-linguistic entity. The latter holds that the meaning of E is at least partly determined by some of E’s “inward” relations (IRs) with other expressions in the very language. They (1992) argue that meaning anatomism inevitably collapses into…Read more
Chun-Ping Yen
Academia Sinica