Glasgow, Scotland, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Areas of Specialization
Philosophy, Misc
Areas of Interest
Philosophy, Misc
  •  20
    Rethinking philosophy for children: Agamben and education as pure means
    Journal of Philosophy of Education 57 (3): 774-779. 2023.
    There are many texts that present and discuss Philosophy with Children, the majority of which focus on Matthew Lipman’s Philosophy for Children (P4C) programme.
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    Philosophy with Children
    Precollege Philosophy and Public Practice 5 3-25. 2023.
    This article proposes that children’s voice is important. It also suggests that one way in which children’s voice might be supported is through Philosophy with Children. However, when teachers undertake Philosophy with Children to promote children’s voice, it is important that they reflect on their role and the practice to consider how that role and practice enable children’s voice. One way in which teachers might do this is by considering the seven factors for enabling children’s voice identifi…Read more
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    This article considers children’s status in society and how this may be elevated with a view to imagining a possible future. Children’s status is such that the structures and systems under which they live diminish their agency. In so doing, their opportunity to contribute to the shaping of what appears to be an uncertain future is limited. The article proposes that looking towards children as saviours of our tomorrows is misguided and that a healthier view is to recognise the networked nature of…Read more
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    This book review discusses Walter O. Kohan and Barbara Weber's edited volume, Thinking, Childhood, and Time.
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    Philosophieren mit Kindern ist aktive Demokratie
    with Sarah-Jane Conrad and Christian Mathis
    In Béatrice Ziegler & Monika Waldis (eds.), Politische Bildung in der Demokratie: Interdisziplinäre Perspektiven, Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden. pp. 137-154. 2017.
    Philosophy with Children is Democracy in Action and thus part and parcel of Civic Education. This slogan can be supported, first, because the respective methods of Philosophy with Children and Civic Education are very similar: namely, by the fact that political socialisation is driven substantially by developing communication competences, a concern at the heart of Philosophy with Children. Second, reflecting the basic concepts and values of civic education is first and foremost a philosophical i…Read more
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    Children: Animals or Persons
    Thinking: The Journal of Philosophy for Children 17 (3): 13-16. 2004.
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    Questioning Children
    Thinking: The Journal of Philosophy for Children 20 (1-2): 62-68. 2012.
    This paper considers one key aspect of doing Philosophy with Children; the use of children’s questions. In particular, the paper reflects upon the place and importance of children’s questions in McCall’s Community of Philosophical Inquiry (CoPI). Generally children are allowed, within Philosophy with Children practices to ask their own questions. In some approaches questions are set for the children to inquire into. These questions often come from teachers’ manuals. What is different about McCal…Read more
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    Grown-upness or living philosophically?
    Childhood and Philosophy 13 (28). 2017.
  • It has been asserted in the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child that children’s voices should have a place in society and that their views and opinions should be taken into account by policy makers and those others in authority. This paper suggests that children need to be empowered and enabled to become active, participative, political agents within society. Within certain countries – in this instance, those constituting Great Britain – Education for Citizenship is on the Governmental agen…Read more
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    Philosophy with Children: Learning to live well
    Childhood and Philosophy 8 (16): 243-264. 2012.
    A filosofia com crianças, em todas as suas guisas, visa engendrar o pensamento filosófico e o raciocínio nas crianças. Muito é escrito sobre o que a participação na filosofia poderia fazer para a criança academicamente e emocionalmente. O que propomos aqui é que permitindo às crianças participar de diálogos filosóficos elas aprenderão uma abordagem que poderia dar suporte a sua participação na sociedade e que poderia envolvê-las na consideração e no arejamento de suas vistas, tomando decisões em…Read more
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    The context for the study is the current curriculum reform in Scotland which demands that teachers enable children to become ‘Responsible Citizens’. The aim of the study was to evaluate the use of Community of Philosophical Inquiry as a pedagogical tool to enhance citizenship attributes in Scottish children in a range of educational settings. Before and after an extended series of CoPI sessions, the 133 participating children were presented with dilemmas designed to elicit responses which indica…Read more