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    Factors Associated with Hepatitis B Knowledge Among Vietnamese Americans: A Population-Based Survey
    with J. N. Chu, P. V. Le, S. J. McPhee, C. Wong, S. L. Stewart, and T. T. Nguyen
    Vietnamese Americans have high rates of hepatitis B virus infection but low rates of knowledge and screening. A population-based survey conducted in 2011 of Vietnamese Americans in two geographic areas was analyzed. The outcome variables were having heard of HBV and a score summarizing knowledge of HBV transmission. Most respondents had heard of HBV. Correct knowledge of transmission ranged from 59.5% for sex, 68.1% for sharing toothbrushes, 78.6% for during birth, and 85.0% for sharing needles.…Read more
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    Research has shown that a positive association exists between exposure to smoking imagery, such as that found in movies and print advertising, and the subsequent uptake of cigarette smoking. Children appear to be especially vulnerable to advertising messaging and other positive portrayals of smoking, given that most adult smokers develop the habit before age 18 years. Although many traditional types of media have been studied, the current generation of youth is growing up as digital natives, wit…Read more