• Methodenlehre ist dogmatisches Kerngeschäft: Die »Auslegungsmethoden« sind allgemein bekannt. Methodologie übt aber auch in den Grundlagenfächern einen starken Einfluss aus, der häufig unterschlagen wird. In der analytischen Rechtsphilosophie konkurrieren auf dieser Ebene evaluative jurisprudence und descriptive jurisprudence. Dabei wird die zentrale Frage verhandelt, wie man Rechtsphilosophie betreibt und was von einer philosophischen Theorie des Rechts zu erwarten ist. Dieser Beitrag zeichnet …Read more
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    In this article we discuss the so-called cantilever argument, used by Joseph Carens to establish a human right to global freedom of movement. First of all, we criticise Carens’s classification of the argument as both an “analogy” and a “logical extension”. Comparing the cantilever argument with Carens’s popular feudalism analogy suggests understanding it solely as an extension, but certainly not as a “logical” one. Finally, we sketch out whether, by means of the cantilever, he succeeds in shifti…Read more
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    The right to bequeath as a common legal power
    In Schmidt am Busch Hans-Christoph, Halliday Daniel & Gutmann Thomas (eds.), Inheritance and the Right to Bequeath: Legal and Philosophical Perspectives, Routledge. pp. 76-94. 2022.
    This chapter demonstrates that counter-arguments against such a right from analytic legal theory, among them Steiner’s, do not succeed. Although there are no rights on the part of post-mortem persons, a right to bequeath can be explained by and built around posthumous interests of the testator that might be adversely affected after his or her demise. This perspective, however, would have to be based upon an interest theory of rights. For proponents of a will theory of rights such as Steiner, the…Read more
  • This paper is an attempt to investigate a new indirect strategy in order to justify the concepts of prenatal and posthumous rights. Instead of providing positive reasons for recognizing rights without actually living rightholders, I sketch an analogical argument inspired by the famous Lucretian symmetry thesis. It relies on similarities between the major objections raised against rights for past and future people. The provisional examination suggests that there is only one direction for a convin…Read more
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    This paper uses analytic philosophy to prevent merely verbal disputes about the concept of fiction within discussions on fictiones iuris. It provides a survey of potentially fruitful connections between legal fictions and fictionalism. More specifically, I will argue that by enriching current accounts of legal fictions in legal theory with insights from (1) the philosophy of language on fictional speech and from (2) contemporary metaphysics on philosophical fictionalism, it seems natural to expl…Read more
  • Neither the Anglophone nor the Continental tradition has produced a sophisticated philosophical analysis of limitation in law. The topic is surprisingly underexplored. This article tries to overcome the theoretical blind spot. It inaugurates the special jurisprudence of time-barring by exploring a new way of rationally reconstructing limitation in private law. Although legal scholars have built up a whole arsenal of alleged reasons for limitation (respectively prescription), those conventional l…Read more
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    Schillernde Gegenrechte
    with Nils Buchholz
    Archiv für Rechts- und Sozialphilosophie 375-399. 2022.
    This article is an attempt to examine Christoph Menke’s critical theory of modern bourgeois law through the lenses of analytic jurisprudence. We therefore scrutinize some core concepts from his Critique of Rights in order to gain a better understanding of the so-called “new law” which is presented as a theoretical alternative to the allegedly defective law of ius proprium-rights [Eigenrechte]. In the first part, we sharpen Menke’s concept of normativity with a reason-based approach and by using …Read more