Craig J. N. de Paulo

Collegium Augustinianum
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    La fenomenología agustiniana de la confusión
    Augustinus 51 (200): 5-21. 2006.
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    El artículo estudia la teoría de la guerra justa, en san Agustín, considerándolo como el fundador de esta teoría, ya que fue el primero en articular los criterios perennes dentro del marco de "ethos" cristiano del amor e igualdad como seres humanos creados a imagen y semejanza del Creador. Trata también del influjo de Agustín en el desarrollo de esta teoría de la guerra justa
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    Reflexiones sobre la postura agustiniana respecto a la prostitución
    with Catherine Conroy De Paulo and José Anoz
    Augustinus 49 (192-193): 27-34. 2004.
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    Hermenéutica agustiniana de la voluntad, en santo Tomás de Aquino
    with Patrick Anthony Messina
    Augustinus 47 (186-187): 427-455. 2002.
  • Ser y conversión. Ensayo de fenomenología agustiniana
    with José Anoz
    Augustinus 47 (184-185): 111-154. 2002.
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    Fenomenología agustiniana de la inquietud humana
    with José Anoz
    Augustinus 46 (182-183): 199-224. 2001.
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    In Search of Authenticity, Happiness and the Good: A Collection of Readings in Ancient Greek Philosophy
    with Catherine Conroy De Paulo and Patrick Messina
    Kendall Hunt. 2020.
    An anthology of writings from Plato and Aristotle, including an introductory essay on the history of ancient Greek philosophy and Greek Glossary.
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    Ser y conversión. Ensayo de fenomenología agustiana
    Augustinus 47 (184-185): 111-154. 2002.
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    Reflexiones sobre la postura agustiniana respecto a la prostitución
    with Catherine De Paulo
    Augustinus 49 (192-193): 27-34. 2004.
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    El artículo trata sobre el 'reavivamiento hermeneútico' de Agustín, es decir, acerca de la significación filosófica que tiene el influjo histórico y metodológico de san Agustín sobre la obra de Martin Heidegger "Sein und Zeit", y cómo esto se ha vuelto más evidente con las aportaciones de fenomenólogos y patrólogos, especialmente a partir de 1993
  • Being and Conversion: A Phenomenological Ontology of Radical Restlessness
    Dissertation, Pontificia Universita Gregoriana (Vatican City). 1995.
    This work is a systematic, phenomenological investigation of the experience of human restlessness; as such, it is an original, existential interpretation of St. Augustine's Christian thought in as much as it achieves a philosophical synthesis of Augustine and Martin Heidegger's Being and Time work. Using Heidegger's hermeneutical methodology, the author composes what he calls a "fundamental ontology" founded upon, and intrinsic to, Augustine's experience of restlessness in the Confessions. The a…Read more
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    Confessions of Love: The Ambiguities of Greek Eros and Latin Caritas, edited by Craig J. N. de Paulo, Senior Editor, et al. American University Studies Series, vol. 7: Theology and Religion. New York: Peter Lang Publishers, 2011. Details: Collection of scholarly essays on love. Distinguished contributors include Roland Teske, S.J., Phillip Cary, Leonid Rudntyzky, Bernhardt Blumenthal, et al.
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    Ambiguity in the Western Mind
    Peter Lang Publishing. 2005.
    Ambiguity in the Western Mind, edited with an Introduction by Craig J. N. de Paulo, Senior Editor, et al. New York: Peter Lang Publishers, 2005. Details: Preface by Joseph Margolis and distinguished contributors include John D. Caputo, Camille Paglia, Jaroslav Pelikan, Roland Teske, S.J. et al.
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    The Influence of Augustine on Heidegger: The Emergence of an Augustinian Phenomenology, edited with an Introduction by Craig J. N. de Paulo Lewiston, NY: The Edwin Mellen Press, 2006. Details: Preface by John Macquarrie and distinguished contributors include Robert Dodaro, O.S.A., Peg Birmingham, Theodore Kisiel, Daniel Dahlstrom, George Pattison, James K. A. Smith, Wayne Hankey and Matthias Fritsch. (Advance Praise by James J. O’Donnell, Jaroslav Pelikan and Joseph Margolis and reviewed in the …Read more
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    Augustinian Just War Theory and the Wars in Afghanistan and Iraq: Confessions, Contentions and the Lust for Power,edited by Craig J. N. de Paulo, Senior Editor, et al. New York: Peter Lang Publishing, 2011. Details: A work concerning Augustine’s influence on Christian just war theory and the rhetoric of just war theorists from two symposia in addition to an Augustinian critique of the wars. Preface by Most Rev. Sean Cardinal O’ Malley, O.F.M. Cap., Archbishop of Boston. Foreword by Roland J. Tes…Read more
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    The Augustinian Constitution of Heidegger’s Being and Time
    American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 77 (4): 549-568. 2003.
    By tracing some of the historical and hermeneutical influences of Augustine on Martin Heidegger and his 1927 magnum opus, this article argues that Being and Time has an “Augustinian constitution.” While Heidegger’s philosophical terms are in a certain sense original, many of them have their conceptual origins in Augustine’s Christian thought and in his philosophizing from experience. The article systematically revisits all of Heidegger’s citations of Augustine, which reveals not only the rhetori…Read more