University of Connecticut
Department of Philosophy
PhD, 2019
APA Eastern Division
Boston, Massachusetts, United States of America
Areas of Specialization
African/Africana Philosophy
Areas of Interest
African/Africana Philosophy
  •  30
    Marx: The Historical Necessity of Slavery & Agriculture
    Cosmos and History 13 (1): 146-155. 2017.
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    Signals Crossed
    Philosophy of Education 77 (3): 59-65. 2021.
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    Black Madness :: Mad Blackness (review)
    Philosophy and Global Affairs 1 (1): 159-161. 2021.
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    Critical commemorations
    Journal of Global Ethics 16 (3): 422-430. 2020.
    ABSTRACT Drawing on the works of Friedrich Nietzsche, this contribution will examine commemorative practices alongside critical modes of historical engagement. In Untimely Meditations, Friedrich Nietzsche documents three historical methodologies—the monumental, antiquarian and critical—which purposely use history in non-objective ways. In particular, critical history desires to judge and reject historical figures rather than repeat the past or venerate the dead. For instance, in recent protests …Read more
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    Hierarchies of Foreignness: The Writing of Man in the New World
    Journal of World Philosophies 6 (2): 100-114. 2021.
    Through transatlantic contact and subsequent debates, the “humanity” of Amerindians was first established for Europeans according to the dictates of philosophical anthropology and theology. This hierarchical and colonial anthropology is problematic precisely because it normalizes a singular, indigenous way of “being human” as the only correct and universal formulation of the “human being,” i.e., Man. Consequently, people that live outside this constructed definition are exposed to dispossession,…Read more