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    Darwin y el nexo entre divergencia y competencia
    Prometeica - Revista De Filosofía Y Ciencias 27 22-38. 2023.
    Este artículo tiene como objetivo ofrecer una revisión y reinterpretación al problema teórico en la teoría de Darwin en el que se pone en relación el principio de divergencia y la competencia entre los seres vivos. Respecto a este asunto ha habido dos interpretaciones fundamentales. La primera de ellas es la de aquellos que defienden que la divergencia se ve favorecida porque implica una reducción de la competencia a la que se enfrentan los seres vivos que se desplazan de nicho ecológico. Por ot…Read more
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    The evolution of biology and the evolutionist biology: species and finality
    Revista de Humanidades de Valparaíso 14 395-426. 2019.
    Are species real categories or just conventions? Are species natural kinds? Are teleological statements a distinctive feature of biology? Can life sciences escape from teleology? These are common issues in philosophy of biology. This paper aims to show that in order to answer to each of these questions it is inevitable to take a position respecting the others. Therefore, there is a historical relation between the concept of species and teleological issues. In order to analyse such relation, I wi…Read more
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    Local Holism and Semantic Change in the Kuhn’s Theory
    Revista Colombiana de Filosofía de la Ciencia 24 (48). 2024.
    This article aims to delve into the concept of taxonomic incommensurability as advocated by Thomas Kuhn from the 1980s onward. According to Kuhn, in this more local and moderate interpretation, the incommensurability between theories results from the semantic alteration of certain central terms, which he refers to as 'taxonomic categories'. He argues that these categories are holistically inter-defined, such that altering the meaning of any one term necessitates a redefinition of the others. To …Read more