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    Qu’est-ce qui est non-conceptuel, l’etat ou son contenu?
    Facta Philosophica 6 (1): 77-95. 2004.
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    Quatorze observations topographiques sur les contenus et les normes
    Facta Philosophica 4 (2): 177-199. 2002.
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    Making „Reasons " Explicit. How Normative is Brandom's Inferentialism?
    Forum Philosophicum: International Journal for Philosophy 13 (1): 127-145. 2008.
    This paper asks whether Brandom has provided a sufficiently clear account of the basic normative concepts of commitment and entitlement, on which his normative inferentialism seems to rest, and of how they contribute to explain the inferential articulation of conceptual contents. I show that Brandom's claim that these concepts are analogous to the concepts of obligation and permission cannot be right, and argue that the normative character of the concept of commitment is dubious. This leads me t…Read more
  • Reasons and Supervenience
    In Bartosz Brożek, Antonino Rotolo & Jerzy Stelmach (eds.), Supervenience and Normativity, Springer. 2017.
  • Essais sur l'intentionnalité et le langage (edited book)
    Vrin-Bellarmin. 1992.
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    Mind, Davidson and Reality
    Principia: An International Journal of Epistemology 9 (1-2). 2005.
    The aim of this article is to show that the prospects for intentional irreal-ism are much brighter than it is generally thought. In the first section, I provide a general characterization of some of the various forms that the realism/irrealism debates might take. In the second, I ask whether there is any defensible form of realism about intentional states. I show that most candidates are nearly trivially false, and that the only form of in-tentional realism which is not, is a restricted one whic…Read more
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    Que Sera Sera
    Dialectica 54 (4): 247-264. 2000.
    Having suggested that a salient feature of philosophical naturalism is to deny that there are non‐natural norms, I make a distinction between a moderate naturalism, which admits the existence of natural norms, and a radical naturalism which denies it. On the assumption that intentional facts are irreducibly normative, their existence would thus seem to raise a problem for moderate epistemological naturalism. I argue that no non‐trivial naturalistic explanation of conceptual intentionality is to …Read more
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    Between Phenomenalism and Objectivism
    Journal of Philosophical Research 30 189-214. 2005.
    Brandom (1994) claims to have succeeded in showing how certain kinds of social practices can institute objective deontic statuses and confer objective conceptual contents on certain performances. This paper proposes a reconstruction of how, on Brandom’s views, this is supposed to come about, and a critical examination of the explicit arguments offered in support for this claim.
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    Pangloss, L’Erreur et La Divergence
    Journal of Philosophical Research 19 345-372. 1994.
    The theory of radical interpretation, as based on the principle of charity, sets a priori limits on the possibility that different agents have different beliefs, and on the possibility that one has false beliefs. David Papineau put forward a teleological approach to intentional states which, he claims, doesn’t have these unacceptable consequences. Having distinguished half a dozen of different forms that the problem of radical interpretation might take, I show that Papineau’s approach is not rad…Read more
  • François Récanati, Les énoncés performatifs (review)
    Philosophy in Review 2 187-190. 1982.
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    Non-conceptually contentful attitudes in interpretation
    Sorites 13 (October): 6-22. 2001.
    Brandom's book Making It Explicit defends Davidson's claim that conceptual thought can arise only on the background of a practice of mutual interpretation, without endorsing the further view that one can be a thinker only if one has the concept of a concept. This involves giving an account of conceptual content in terms of what Brandom calls practical deontic attitudes. In this paper, I make a plea for the conclusion that these practical attitudes are best seen as intentional, but non-conceptual…Read more
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    Les états intentionnels des créatures solitaires
    Philosophiques 14 (2): 229-359. 1987.
    Je soutiens qu'il y a deux façons d'individuer les états intentionnels de créatures qui sont dépourvues de toute compétence linguistique, à savoir par leur rôle propositionnel ou par leurs conditions de vérité, mais que cette distinction ne vaut que pour les états intentionnels singuliers. L'examine ensuite différentes façons de spécifier, tout en restant dans le cadre d'une conception représentationnaliste de l'intentionnalité, les conditions de vérité des attributions d'états intentionnels pri…Read more
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    Remarques sur la sémiotique
    Philosophiques 11 (1): 91-109. 1984.
    Je défends la classification carnapienne des disciplines sémiotiques en montrant qu'elle permet de caractériser adéquatement la nature de la pragmatique. J'indique, en particulier, comment une notion de système pragmatique pourrait être développée par analogie avec celles de système syntaxique et de système sémantique.I defend Carnap's classification of semiotic disciplines by showing that it leads to an adequate characterization of the nature of pragmatics. In particular, I indicate how a notio…Read more
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    Le paradoxe de Wittgenstein et le communautarisme
    Dialogue 39 (2): 263-278. 2000.
    The “sceptical” solution to the paradox which Kripke attibutes to Wittgenstein is supposed to lead to the conclusion that there is a sense in which thought and language are essentially social phenomena. In the following, I argue that both the “sceptical” and the “communautarian” character of this solution can be questioned, though without having to agree with Davidson, according to whom the solution to this paradox does not depend on any notion of a common language.
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    Que sera sera
    Dialectica 54 (4). 2000.
    Having suggested that a salient feature of philosophical naturalism is to deny that there are non‐natural norms, I make a distinction between a moderate naturalism, which admits the existence of natural norms , and a radical naturalism which denies it . On the assumption that intentional facts are irreducibly normative, their existence would thus seem to raise a problem for moderate epistemological naturalism. I argue that no non‐trivial naturalistic explanation of conceptual intentionality is t…Read more
  • Francis Jacques, L 'espace logique de l'interlocution: Dialogiques II (review)
    Philosophy in Review 6 227-229. 1986.
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    Note sur le puzzle de Kripke
    Philosophiques 15 (1): 31-39. 1988.
    Je soutiens que Kripke n'a pas réussi à montrer que certains principes plausibles gouvernant l'attribution de croyances, tels que les principes de décitation et de traduction, pouvaient nous conduire à attribuer des croyances de dicto contradictoires à un sujet réfléchi et linguistiquement compétent sans présupposer une théorie descriptive des noms propres ou des termes désignant des espèces naturelles. Les cas décrits par Kripke se réduisent à des variantes du problème de Quine concernant les c…Read more
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    Entre la rime et la raison. Précis de L'Esprit et la nature
    Philosophiques 30 (2): 407-410. 2003.
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    Between Phenomenalism and Objectivism
    Journal of Philosophical Research 30 189-214. 2005.
    Brandom (1994) claims to have succeeded in showing how certain kinds of social practices can institute objective deontic statuses and confer objective conceptual contents on certain performances. This paper proposes a reconstruction of how, on Brandom’s views, this is supposed to come about, and a critical examination of the explicit arguments offered in support for this claim.
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    Les raisons épistémiques sont-elles instrumentales?
    Dialogue 52 (2): 211-231. 2013.
    In a recent article (2011), Steglich-Petersen claims to be able to provide a teleological account of the nature of epistemic reasons which (i) avoids the standard objections to this kind of approach and (ii) is compatible with the evidentialist claim that epistemic reasons always trump non-epistemic reasons (assuming there are such reasons). I argue that his proposal is unable to do justice to the idea that epistemic reasons are constituted by the evidence, and more generally, that it is incoher…Read more
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    Reasons, contents and experiences
    Disputatio 1 (17). 2004.
    I propose what seems a plausible interpretation of the suggestion that the fact that someone has or lacks the capacity to make inferences of certain kinds should be taken as evidence that the contents of the states involved in these inferences are conceptual/nonconceptual. I then argue that there is no obvious way in which this line of thought could be exploited to help draw the line separating conceptual from nonconceptual contents. This will lead me to clarify in what sense perceptual experien…Read more
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    RésuméCet article vise à préciser la nature et le contenu des conventions qui lient les membres d'une communauté linguistique et par ce biais à caractériser les relations entre le sens intentionnel et le sens conventionnel d'une énonciation. Je formule, à l'aide d'une version modifiée de la définition de la notion de convention proposée par Lewis , une hypothèse concernant les conditions dans lesquelles on peut dire qu'une langue comprenant des expressions déictiques, des phrases ambiguës et des…Read more
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    Pragmatics, pittsburgh style
    Pragmatics and Cognition 13 (1): 141-160. 2005.
    I give a rough outline of Brandom¿s scorekeeping account of conceptual content. The account is meant to be phenomenalist, normativist, expressively complete and non-circular; the question is how and to what extent it succeeds in meeting these goals
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    Nonconceptual Contents vs Nonconceptual States
    Grazer Philosophische Studien 68 (1): 23-43. 2005.
    The question to be discussed is whether the distinction between the conceptual and the nonconceptual is best understood as pertaining primarily to intentional contents or to intentional states or attitudes. Some authors have suggested that it must be understood in the second way, in order to make the claim that experiences are nonconceptual compatible with the idea that one can also believe what one experiences. I argue that there is no need to do so, and that a conceptual content can be underst…Read more