• Denken. Reden. Handeln. / Thinking. Talking. Acting. Nachträge zu einem Salzburger Symposium mit Georg Meggle (edited book)
    with Johannes L. Brandl and Sava Wedman
    Open Access Publikationsserver der Universität Salzburg (ePLUS). 2021.
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    Scenarios are a key tool for education, training and research in ethics. The presented collection of scenarios in military medical ethics constitutes a valuable resource for trainers and researchers. It shall support deploying military medical personnel and those who organise training and education to better prepare for missions. To achieve this aim, the MME scenario collection • collects and publishes experiences, reports, and scenarios in a searchable database and • provides an opportunity for…Read more
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    Hovering Between Roles: Military Medical Ethics
    with Hans U. Baer, Michael L. Gross, and Don Carrick
    In , . pp. 261-278. 2013.
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    The ‘peace role’ of healthcare during war: understanding the importance of medical impartiality
    Journal of the Royal Army Medical Corps 165 (4): 232-235. 2019.
    This article argues that medical personnel of armed forces occupy a ‘peace role’, which continues and dominates their professional ethos during armed conflict. The specific role and its associated legal and ethical obligations are elaborated, and on that basis arguments are provided why and how the work of military healthcare providers is interpreted as a continuation of peace during war.
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    Introduction and Synopsis
    with Sheena M. Eagan
    In Sheena M. Eagan & Daniel Messelken (eds.), Resource Scarcity in Austere Environments: An Ethical Examination of Triage and Medical Rules of Eligibility, Springer Verlag. pp. 1-16. 2023.
    Modern medicine consumes vast amounts of resources, ranging from human to technological and financial. In a well-functioning and well-equipped health system, resource allocation considerations rarely impact clinical decision-making as all patients that need care will (eventually) receive it. In light of this, health care providers (HCPs) are often taught to focus on the patient in front of them, driven by a type of patient-centred ethics (of care) that prioritizes the individual person’s well-be…Read more
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    In emergency situations and while medical resources are sufficient, doctors are expected to prioritize and treat patients according to medical criteria only. In MASSCAL situations and when medical resources become insufficient, patient selection and prioritization changes. Rules of triage are applied with the aim of getting the best result possible under the circumstances, e.g., saving the largest number; collective health outweighs individual health. Still, according to the standard ethical pri…Read more
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    This book focuses on resource allocation in military and humanitarian medicine during times of scarcity and austerity. It is in these times that health systems bend, break, and even collapse and where resource allocation becomes a paramount concern and directly impacts clinical decision-making. Such times are challenging and this book covers this very important, yet, scarcely researched topic within the field of bioethics. This work brings together experts and practitioners in the fields of mili…Read more
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    Ethical Challenges for Military Health Care Personnel: Dealing with Epidemics (edited book)
    with David Winkler
    Routledge. 2017.
    Outbreaks of epidemics like Ebola trigger difficult ethical challenges for civilian and military health care personnel. This book offers theoretical reflections combined with reports from recent military and NGO missions in the field. The authors of this volume focus on military medical ethics adding a distinct voice to the topic of epidemics and infectious diseases. While military health care personnel are always crucially involved during disaster relief operations and large-scale public health…Read more
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    This chapter introduces to the main topic of the volume, namely the influence of the changing nature of warfare on the provision of medical care and the ethical challenges that occur. It presents the main ideas of relevant concepts such as asymmetrical warfare, hybrid warfare, and complex emergencies before illustrating the ethical challenges that new forms of warfare create for military and humanitarian health care providers. Examples of ethical challenges include embedding medical personnel in…Read more
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    Philosophie nach Georg Meggle zeichnet sich aus durch kommunikative Offenheit, durch begriffliche Unbestechlichkeit und durch ihr Engagement in der Welt. Die Beiträge in diesem Band orientieren sich an diesem Philosophieverständnis und sind aus Anlass eines Symposiums zu Ehren von Georg Meggle als Originalbeiträge geschrieben worden. Der Band verbindet die theoretischen und praktischen Aspekte der analytischen Philosophie: So sind die Essays zur Hälfte der theoretischen, meist sprach-analytische…Read more
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    Health Care in Contexts of Risk, Uncertainty, and Hybridity (edited book)
    with David Winkler
    Springer. 2021.
    This book sheds light on various ethical challenges military and humanitarian health care personnel face while working in adverse conditions. Contexts of armed conflict, hybrid wars or other forms of violence short of war, as well as natural disasters, all have in common that ordinary circumstances can no longer be taken for granted. Hence, the provision of health care has to adapt, for example, to a different level of risk, to scarce resources, or uncommon approaches due to external incentives …Read more
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    Gewalt – Versuch einer Begriffsklärung
    In Sarah Jäger & Ines-Jacqueline Werkner (eds.), Gewalt in der Bibel Und in Kirchlichen Traditionen: Fragen Zur Gewalt • Band 1, Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden. pp. 13-34. 2017.
    Das Spektrum dessen, was als Gewalt bezeichnet wird, ist groß. Es reicht von paradigmatischen Fällen wie kriegerischen Konflikten und Terrorismus über Mord durch Erschlagen und Körperverletzungen bis hin zu umstritteneren Beispielen wie struktureller, sozialer, psychologischer oder verbaler Gewalt. Gewalt muss daher als eine anthropologische Konstante bezeichnet werden: Die Fähigkeit, andere zu verletzen, und die Eigenschaft, von anderen verletzt zu werden, sind Teile der menschlichen Natur. Gew…Read more
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    Humanity in the midst of armed conflict : military doctors’ ethical obligations
    Politorbis : Zeitschrift Zur Aussenpolitik : Revue de Politique Étrangère : Rivista di Politica Estera 65. 2017.
  • Ethical Challenges for Military Health Care Personnel : Dealing with Epidemics (edited book)
    with David T. Winkler
    Routledge. 2018.
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    Ideally, the (ethical) principles of medical care remain unaltered during armed conflict and can be interpreted as a remnant of peace during war. Healthcare providers also support future peace by not discriminating according to the conflict roles between enemy and friend or fighter and civilian, but by respecting everybody, in a non-conflict logic, as human beings. The antithetical view identifies medical care for wounded soldiers as a contribution to a threat. This chapter rejects such an inter…Read more
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    On the duty to care during epidemics
    In Messelken Daniel & Winkler David T. (eds.), Ethical Challenges for Military Health Care Personnel : Dealing with Epidemics, Routledge. pp. 144-163. 2018.
    This paper gives a review of the academic literature on the duty to care during epidemics and the question of how much risk has to be accepted by medical personnel during their work. It will then address ask to what extent military personnel have this duty in the same way as their civilian counterparts or whether military health care personnel might act under a different moral obligation – with more or less encompassing or at least different duties.
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    Battlefield euthanasia, the purposeful killing of wounded soldiers (or even civi- lians) in order to hasten their foreseeable death, has been an issue in military medicine and in soldiers’ moral codes at all times. During conflicts since anti- quity, there have been severely wounded who would not die immediately but whose fate seemed clear, nevertheless. But can it ever be morally justified to kill those wounded out of mercy in order to end their suffering? Can death ever be the better option? A…Read more
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    Der Einfluss der Lehre vom gerechten Krieg bzw. der Idee des gerechten Friedens auf den Umgang mit heutigen Konflikten lässt sich besonders gut anhand der so genannten „humanitären Interventionen“ und dem aus dieser Praxis entwickelten neuen Ansatz der „Responsibility to Protect“ (RtoP/ R2P) bzw. Schutzverantwortung zeigen. Bei der Be- gründung als humanitär erachteter Interventionen seit den 1990er Jahren wurde und wird auf die Kriterien des gerechten Krieges bzw. gerechten Friedens zurückgegri…Read more
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    Physicians at War: Betraying a Pacifist Professional Ethos?
    Filozofski Godišnjak 25 379-400. 2012.
    This paper examines the question whether physicians are obligated by their professional ethos to defend a pacifist position. The question is a more concrete and applied formulation of the general thesis that there are what I will call “pacifist professions”: professions whose ethos requires their members to act in a pacifist way. Since the present paper is rather one in applied philosophy than a theoretical one about the foundation of pacifism, it will concentrate on the practical issue of wheth…Read more
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    Kriege, Terrorismus, Völkermord, humanitäre Interventionen und andere Formen kollektiver Gewalt sind in den letzten Jahren auch in der Philosophie verstärkt in den Blickwinkel gerückt. Dabei wurde der Tradition des 'gerechten Krieges' neue Aufmerksamkeit zuteil und somit der Frage, ob und wann Kriege als 'moralisch gerechtfertigt' bewertet werden können. Die grundlegendere Frage, wie 'Gewalt' definiert werden kann, ist hingegen kaum nicht beachtet worden. Im Mittelpunkt des vorliegenden Buches s…Read more
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    When childhood ends: estimating the age of young people
    with Johan Crouse and David T. Winkler
    British Medical Journal 315. 2015.
    Minors are increasingly reaching countries far from their homes as migrants, and their ages are often unknown. In Europe, up to 1500 people per country annually have medical examinations and procedures to estimate their chronological age.1 These procedures can cause considerable harm to individuals, particularly if performed without appropriate safeguards. Inappropriate age estimation may deter minors from applying for asylum in specific countries, and doctors may find themselves exploited in th…Read more
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    Counterterrorism policies and practices: health and values at stake
    with Lisa Eckenwiler, Matthew Hunt, Ayesha Ahmad, Philippe Calain, Angus Dawson, Robert Goodin, Leonard Rubenstein, and Verina Wild
    WHO Bulletin 93. 2015.
    New mechanisms to ensure that counter ter ror ism ac t ivit ies do not contravene international law or ethical values and principles will require careful design. Apart from the ethical and legal grounds, there are good practical rea-sons to design more effective counterter-rorism measures. Preventable harms to population health contribute to mistrust and instability and undermine the stated objectives of the intelligence services.
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    Gerechter Krieg
    In Hans Jörg Sandkühler & Others (eds.), Enzyklopädie Philosophie, Meiner Verlag. 2010.
    Encyclopedia article on the historical development and current interpretation of Just War Theory
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    Terrorismus - Philosophische und politikwissenschaftliche Essays (edited book)
    with Igor Primoratz
    mentis. 2011.
    In der philosophischen Literatur finden sich eine ganze Reihe von Positionen zur Definition und zur moralischen Bewertung von Terrorismus. Die meisten Philosophen definieren Terrorismus als eine Form politischer Gewalt. Viele heben die Angsterfahrung der Opfer hervor, die das erste Ziel der Gewalt ist, und unterscheiden sie von weiteren Zielen wie Nötigung oder politischen Veränderungen. In Bezug auf die moralische Bewertung von Terrorismus herrscht Uneinigkeit sowohl was die Grundlage der Bewer…Read more
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    Conflict of roles and duties – why military doctors are doctors
    Ethics and Armed Forces 2015 (1). 2015.
    This article briefly outlines what the medical duty is, and its special role in international law, before discussing the problems resulting from the dual role as doctor and soldier, which military doctors can expect to meet conceptually, and unfortunately in reality as well. With arguments based on international humanitarian law and ethics, this article shows that greater weight should be given to the medical role.
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    Over the last few years, virtually all forms of non-state violence have been labeled as “terrorism”. As a result, differences between various forms of war and violence are lost in the analysis. This article proposes a conceptual distinction between terrorism and guerrilla warfare by analyzing their differences and similarities. Definitions of terrorism and guerrilla warfare are presented. Starting with these definitions, the qu…Read more
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    Changing faces of war and war-like situations have led in recent years to new forms of military deployment. They range from the so called "war on terrorism" with e.g Operation Enduring Freedom or humanitarian interventions (e.g. Kosovo 1999) to deployments within disaster relief missions as lately in Haiti. These pose not only moral, legal, and organizational challenges to states and the international community but also put individual soldiers and military (medical) personnel in situations that …Read more