• Political Confucianism and Human Rights
    Journal of Confucian Philosophy and Culture 37 91-116. 2022.
    This article examines the theory of human rights developed by Tongdong Bai in his Confucian-inspired political philosophy. Partly influenced by Rawls’s “political liberalism,” Bai seeks to offer a “political conception” of Confucianism. However, Bai’s methodological approach also deviates from Rawls’s approach in certain key respects, and this has significant implications for his theory of human rights. The article begins with a comparison of Rawls’s and Bai’s methodological approaches. It then …Read more
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    Rights of Nature: A Re-examination (edited book)
    Routledge. 2021.
    Rights of nature is an idea that has come of age. In recent years, a diverse range of countries and jurisdictions have adopted these norms, which involve granting legal rights to nature or natural objects, such as rivers, forests, or ecosystems. This book critically examines the idea of natural objects as right-holders, and analyses legal cases, policies, and philosophical issues relating to this development. Drawing on contributions from a range of experts in the field, Rights of Nature: A Re-e…Read more
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    In Humanity Without Dignity, Sangiovanni offers an interesting new approach to human rights theory called the “Broad View” of human rights. The BV involves an innovative attempt to overcome th...
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    In recent decades, environmental rights have been increasingly developed at both the national and international level, along with increased adjudication of these rights in both national (constitutional) courts and international human rights courts. These parallel trends raise a question as to whether it is better to develop and adjudicate environmental rights at the national or international level. This article considers the case made by James May and Erin Daly in favor of developing environmen…Read more
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    Political Conceptions of Human Rights and Corporate Responsibility
    In Reidar Maliks & Johan Karlsson Schaffer (eds.), Moral and Political Conceptions of Human Rights: Implications for Theory and Practice, Cambridge University Press. pp. 229-257. 2017.
    Does a political conception of human rights dictate a particular view of corporate human rights obligations? The U.N. “Protect, Respect, and Remedy” Framework and Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights hold that corporations have only a responsibility to respect human rights. Some critics have argued that corporations should be responsible for a wider range of human rights obligations, beyond merely an obligation to respect such rights. Furthermore, it has been argued that the Framewor…Read more