19Seriality as a ChronotopeRivista di Estetica 83 89-104. 2023.The article considers the nature of series as a narrative, focusing especially on its chronotope, i.e. its spatiotemporal coordinates. The concept of chronotope can be applied at at least two different levels of the interpretation of a narrative: the real world of reception and the expressive form of narration. The impact of series entails both aspects. It is for this reason that series, once on television then on the internet, represented a revolutionary turn in the modern experience of storyte…Read more
15La ripetizione e il sublime. Danto, Lyotard, Wathol e la fine (differita) dell’arteRivista di Estetica 77 43-58. 2021.This article compares two philosophers who have a different theoretical origin: respectively, Arthur C. Danto and Jean-François Lyotard. Both of them are interested in the revolutionary character of Andy Warhol’s art. Danto as well as Lyotard argues that Warhol conceives the work of art as a machine: according to the former, it is a philosophical machine; according to the latter, it is a consumerist machine. Nonetheless, the two hypotheses converge on judging Warhol’s art as a turn in the histor…Read more
11Imagining, experimenting, exploring The Kantian legacy in Emilio Garroni’s theory of creativityRevue Internationale de Philosophie 303 (1): 111-131. 2023.La Critique de la faculté de juger ne relève pas seulement d’une théorie esthétique, pour originelle qu’elle puisse être. Elle met surtout en œuvre un nouveau discours philosophique. La critique de la métaphysique y est reconsidérée d’une manière positive, comme une réflexion sur la donation de sens à la croisée entre principes généraux et expériences contingentes. Le philosophe italien Emilio Garroni a développé ce nouveau point de vue sur le troisième Critique, en soutenant que, dans cette Cri…Read more
11La costituzione tecnica dell'umanoQuodlibet. 2013.Il saggio propone una ricognizione nell'estetica dei media contemporanei.
7Il continuo e il discreto: estetica e filosofia dell'esperienza in John DeweyFrancoAngeli. 2014.Il saggio tratta dell'estetica di John Dewey dal punto di vista della sua teoria dell'esperienza, mettendola in relazione con la filosofia critica di Kant.
8Immagini mancanti: l'estetica del documentario nell'epoca dell'intermedialitàLuigi Pellegrini editore. 2016.Il saggio propone una lettura estetica del documentario contemporaneo, considerato dal punto di vista delle pratiche intermediali.
8Tempi seriali: l'audiovisivo tra estetica, semiotica e teoria del cinema (edited book)Castelvecchi. 2021.
3Pandemic and the Fairy Tale NarrativeAisthesis: Pratiche, Linguaggi E Saperi Dell’Estetico 14 (1): 37-43. 2021.The article considers how the narrative of the pandemic has been developed, especially with regard to literature. The case study analyzed is the Italian novel L’assemblea degli animali, written by an anonymous author, whose penname is Filelfo. The article shows that the wide range of classical, literary and artistic references recognizable inside the text corresponds to a precise attitude of the ecologist culture, which is in search for traditional and elevated models to assert their ethical and…Read more
15Media mostruosi, immagini sublimi. Uno sguardo sull’arte contemporanea con LyotardStudi di Estetica 20. 2021.The article focuses on the possibility of reconsidering the relationship existing between monstrosity and sublime in the light of Jean-François Lyotard’s interpretation of the Kantian sublime. Sublime and monstrosity unveil a system of analogies and differences, which can depict the aesthetic experience mediated by mass media, rather than by art. The lack of form and the sometimes obscene drift, which are typical of media experience, configure indeed a sensibility that oscillates between the asc…Read more
9Il sublime, o dell'esponibileItinera 21. 2021.The paper reconsiders the possibility of understanding the art of avant-garde in the light of the sublime, as argued by Jean-François Lyotard in his famous critical essay on Barnett Newman’s artwork Vir Heroicus Sublimis. According to the paper, the scope of a ‘sublime art’ of the avant-garde is larger than the reference to a single artist or movement, and entails the possibility of comprehending the reflective stance of modernism as a critique, performed by art, of the conditions of possibility…Read more
3Exceeding ExposuresIn Stefano Marino & Pietro Terzi (eds.), Kant’s ›Critique of Aesthetic Judgment‹ in the 20th Century: A Companion to its Main Interpretations, De Gruyter. pp. 229-250. 2020.
7Intermedialità, interattività (e ritorno). Nuove prospettive esteticheRivista di Estetica 63 3-11. 2016.Fino a una quindicina di anni fa, l’idea di una connessione forte tra l’estetica da una parte e l’intermedialità e l’interattività dall’altra non sarebbe stata probabilmente pensata nei termini in cui essa emerge nei contributi qui presentati. Di interattività si sarebbe presumibilmente parlato a partire dagli esperimenti di arte interattiva e di incontro tra arte e video: una forma di interazione tutta compresa all’interno di un discorso sulle pratiche artistiche, poco o nulla aperto al conf...
30Historical Reality and Political Aesthetics after Jacques Derrida and Bernard StieglerOpen Philosophy 3 (1): 257-265. 2020.The article aims at showing how far the technologies of audiovisual registration affect not only the ontology of images but also our sense of realism in politics and history. As argue Jacques Derrida and Bernard Stiegler, historical events have become “tele-events” after the birth of these technologies. Our handling with images has changed accordingly. As argues Pietro Montani, we no longer consider them as “copies” of real objects but rather as “occasions” for initiating processes of “validatio…Read more
15Il lettore esemplare Fenomenologia della lettura ed estetica dell’interazioneRivista di Estetica 71 257-270. 2019.The essay reconsiders Wolfgang Iser’s phenomenology of reading, taken as a possible non reductionist answer to the neuroscientific theories of literature. By emphasizing the aesthetic nature of reading, thanks also to Hans Robert Jauss’ contribution, the idea of a ‘reader’s imagination’ emerges here, as a specific and unique power which allows not only the access to the world of the literary text, but opens also new spheres for the understanding and exploration of the real world. In shorts, it i…Read more
25The Work of Art in a Pragmatist Perspective, between Somaesthetics and Techno-aestheticsAisthesis. Pratiche, Linguaggi E Saperi Dell’Estetico 12 (2): 87-99. 2019.John Dewey puts aesthetic experience at the center of his reflection on art and beauty, reconsidering it dynamically. Nowadays, this view opened the path to somaesthetics, a term coined by Richard Shusterman, and aesthetic anthropology. Here, it is argued that the contribution of pragmatist aesthetics could be further developed by exploring its analogies with techno-aesthetics, a paradigm proposed by French philosopher Gilbert Simondon in the early 1980s. Art occupies accordingly a special place…Read more
11Percezione enattiva e operare artistico. Osservazioni a partire da Alva NoëLebenswelt. Aesthetics and Philosophy of Experience 12. 2018.The paper is concerned with arguing the existence of a relationship between the enactive theory of perception and aesthetics. One of the leading figures in the theory of enactment, Alva Noe, pointed out that the works of art constitute one of the keys to understand how perception and cognition realize their enactment onto reality. Art objects are, in fact, a very peculiar case of artefacts since they are considered as being able to quicken the living beings’ organization in their interaction to …Read more
21Aesthetic Experience - A Pragmatist Perspective in Cognitive AestheticsPragmatism Today 7 (1): 82-92. 2016.
21The Elusive Body: Abstract for a History of ScreensRivista di Estetica 55 35-51. 2014.Through a direct reference to Louis Marin’s theory of the visual representation, in the article some filmic and non-filmic images (Biblical episodes, paintings, tapestry, movies and digital images) are analysed as they all display the character of a screen. The convergence between visual representations and screens is then generalized in order to show that, at least during Western Modernity, image vision often functioned as an absorption into a screen space, where the spectator was not only able…Read more