David J. Krieger

Institute for Communication & Leadership IKF
  • Wissenschaft als Kommunikation
    Ethik Und Sozialwissenschaften 4. 1999.
  •  168
    Hacking Digital Ethics
    with Andrea Belliger
    Anthem Press. 2021.
    This book is not a critique of digital ethics but rather a hack. It follows the method of hacking by developing an exploit kit on the basis of state-of-the-art social theory, which it uses to breach the insecure legacy system upon which the discourse of digital ethics is running. This legacy system is made up of four interdependent components: the philosophical mythology of humanism, social science critique, media scandalization, and the activities of many civil society organisations lobbying fo…Read more
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    Making a Difference
    Constructivist Foundations 7 (1): 33-34. 2011.
    Open peer commentary on the target article “From Objects to Processes: A Proposal to Rewrite Radical Constructivism” by Siegfried J. Schmidt. Upshot: The critique of Western metaphysics, the definition of the sign as an inseparable unity of signified and signifier, the insight that language is a form of life, the deconstruction of the subject, the banning of human beings from the social system, and the appearance of non-human actors have made the traditional distinctions between real/unreal, sub…Read more
  •  6
    Kommunikationssystem Kunst
    Passagen Verlag. 1997.