•  46
    Perception of temporally interleaved ambiguous patterns
    with Alexander Maier, Melanie Wilke, and Nikos K. Logothetis
    Current Biology. 2003.
    Background: Continuous viewing of ambiguous patterns is characterized by wavering perception that alternates between two or more equally valid visual solutions. However, when such patterns are viewed intermittently, either by repetitive presentation or by periodic closing of the eyes, perception can become locked or "frozen" in one configuration for several minutes at a time. One aspect of this stabilization is the possible existence of a perceptual memory that persists during periods in which t…Read more
  •  29
    The Structure Of Marx And Engels' Considered Account Of Utopian Socialism
    History of Political Thought 26 (3): 443-466. 2005.
    Marx and Engels are frequently portrayed as holding an unremittingly hostile view of utopian socialism. This negative reading is undermined by the approving comments on the same subject also found in their writings. However, it does not follow that Marx and Engels disparage and laud utopian socialism in an ambiguous or inconsistent manner. There is an underlying structure to their views which renders their considered account of utopian socialism consistent. Two distinctions provide that structur…Read more
  •  13
    Adaptation to complex visual patterns in humans and monkeys
    with Igor Bondar
    In Colin W. G. Clifford & Gillian Rhodes (eds.), Fitting the Mind to the World: Adaptation and After-Effects in High-Level Vision, Oxford University Press. pp. 189--211. 2005.
  •  187
    Stable perception of visually ambiguous patterns
    with Melanie Wilke, Alexander Maier, and Nikos K. Logothetis
    Nature Neuroscience 5 (6): 605-609. 2002.
    Correspondence should be addressed to David A. Leopold [email protected] the viewing of certain patterns, widely known as ambiguous or puzzle figures, perception lapses into a sequence of spontaneous alternations, switching every few seconds between two or more visual interpretations of the stimulus. Although their nature and origin remain topics of debate, these stochastic switches are generally thought to be the automatic and inevitable consequence of viewing a pattern witho…Read more
  •  95
    What is rivalling during binocular rivalry?
    with Nikos K. Logothetis and D. L. Sheinberg
    Nature 30 (6575): 621-624. 1996.
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    Multistable phenomena: Changing views in perception
    with Nikos K. Logothetis
    Trends in Cognitive Sciences 3 (7): 254-264. 1999.
    Traditional explanations of multistable visual phenomena (e.g. ambiguous figures, perceptual rivalry) suggest that the basis for spontaneous reversals in perception lies in antagonistic connectivity within the visual system. In this review, we suggest an alternative, albeit speculative, explanation for visual multistability – that spontaneous alternations reflect responses to active, programmed events initiated by brain areas that integrate sensory and non-sensory information to coordinate a div…Read more
  •  41
    Adaptive norm-based coding of face identity
    with Gillian Rhodes
    In Andy Calder, Gillian Rhodes, Mark Johnson & Jim Haxby (eds.), Oxford Handbook of Face Perception, Oxford University Press. pp. 263--286. 2011.
    Facial appearance changes with age and health affecting skin color as well as facial and head hair. Yet somehow the brain is able to see past shared structure and dynamic deformations to focus on subtle details that distinguish one face from another. This article argues that the brain takes an efficient approach to this problem using prior knowledge about the structure of faces in its analysis. It employs intrinsic norms to focus on subtle variations in the shared face configuration that differe…Read more
  • V A Harvey's Civil Society, Civil Religion (review)
    Bulletin of the Hegel Society of Great Britain 34 67-71. 1996.
  •  56
    The Hegelian antisemitism of Bruno Bauer
    History of European Ideas 25 (4): 179-206. 1999.
    Bruno Bauer (1809–1882) is neither a well known nor an easily accessible author.1 Despite playing a significant role in both the evolution of Hegelianism and in nineteenth century controversies abo...
  •  143
    Marxism and Ideology: From Marx to Althusser
    In Michael Freeden, Lyman Tower Sargent & Marc Stears (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Political Ideologies, Oxford University Press. pp. 20. 2013.
    This chapter discusses the account of ideology found in the writings of Karl Marx, and its fate in the subsequent Marxist tradition. Marx understood ideology as consisting of certain social ideas which periodically dominate in class-divided societies. More precisely, ideology was characterized as having a particular epistemological standing, social origin, and class function. In the subsequent Marxist tradition that ‘critical’ account was often displaced by non-critical, predominately ‘descripti…Read more
  •  223
    Political theory: methods and approaches (edited book)
    with Marc Stears
    Oxford University Press. 2008.
    Both individually and as a collection, these essays will promote understanding and provoke further debate amongst students and established scholars alike.
  •  92
    The Young Karl Marx is an innovative and important new study of Marx’s early writings. These writings provide the fascinating spectacle of a powerful and imaginative intellect wrestling with complex and significant issues, but they also present formidable interpretative obstacles to modern readers. David Leopold shows how an understanding of their intellectual and cultural context can illuminate the political dimension of these works. An erudite yet accessible discussion of Marx’s influences and…Read more
  •  22
    Max Stirner
    Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. 2008.
  •  19
    Socialist Turnips
    Political Theory 40 (3): 347-378. 2012.
    This article examines Friedrich Engels's little noticed communitarian sympathies, especially as expressed in his 1844 article 'kommunistischen Ansiedlungen'. These sympathies are in conflict with the considered and more critical view of communitarian socialism that he subsequently came to share with Karl Marx. I have four ambitions in the article: first, to provide some characterisation of this 'communitarian moment' in Engels's early intellectual evolution; second, to raise a number of worries …Read more
  •  149
    On Marxian Utopophobia
    Journal of the History of Philosophy 54 (1): 111-134. 2016.
    “utopophobia” is a diverse and long-established phenomenon. Recent discussion of the notion of “realism” in political philosophy has illuminated one form that the fear of utopia can take—namely, suspicion and disapproval of normative standards that are unlikely ever to be achieved—but has not exhausted all that is of interest here.1 The present paper is concerned with a different variety of utopophobia: namely, the historically influential but not well-understood hostility of Karl Marx and Fried…Read more
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    with Marc Stears
    In David Leopold & Marc Stears (eds.), Political theory: methods and approaches, Oxford University Press. 2008.
  •  1
    Dialectical approaches
    In David Leopold & Marc Stears (eds.), Political theory: methods and approaches, Oxford University Press. 2008.
    fyyfdddfgujjjgff vhgffg huuu
  •  23
    More Greatness than Illusion: Stedman Jones on Marx
    European Journal of Political Theory 18 (1): 128-137. 2017.
    Gareth Stedman Jones has written a scholarly and interesting biography of Karl Marx, framed by the plausible idea that the ‘authentic’ Marx needs to be recovered from layers of 20th-century misinterpretation. The book focuses more on the political context than the intellectual content of Marx's ideas, and its treatment of the latter has some limitations. Not least, the author underestimates the complexity, interest, and relevance, of certain elements of Marx's thought.
  • F R Dallmayr's G W F Hegel: Modernity And Politics (review)
    Bulletin of the Hegel Society of Great Britain 30 60-63. 1994.
  •  40
    A Left-Hegelian Anarchism
    The European Legacy 8 (6): 777-786. 2003.
    INTRODUCTION It is a commonplace to observe that the left-Hegelian Max Stirner is little-known.gure in the history of political and philosophical thought. However, that obscurity should not be exaggerated. The author of Der Einzige und sein Eigentum is not only familiar to certain rather specialised and largely academic circles-those with an interest in Hegelianism, for example, or in the early intellectual development of Karl Marx -he is also, and more widely, known as a member of, and in.uence…Read more
  • This chapter traces some connections between Karl Marx and British politics and culture in the nineteenth century. It outlines Marx’s engagement with Chartism, contemporary politics, and the International Association. It explores Marx’s attitude towards socialism in Britain, using Robert Owen as a case study. Marx’s balanced view of ‘utopian socialism’ includes a positive assessment of Owen’s critique of capitalism and his vision of future socialist society. Moreover, Marx excused certain weakne…Read more
  • E Kedourie's Hegel And Marx: Introductory Lectures (review)
    Bulletin of the Hegel Society of Great Britain 32 70-75. 1995.
  •  19
    Gareth Stedman Jones has written a scholarly and interesting biography of Karl Marx, framed by the plausible idea that the ‘authentic’ Marx needs to be recovered from layers of 20th-century misinterpretation. The book focuses more on the political context than the intellectual content of Marx's ideas, and its treatment of the latter has some limitations. Not least, the author underestimates the complexity, interest, and relevance, of certain elements of Marx's thought.