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    The introduction of mindfulness in the West was carried out through theories and research methods based on the effects that mindfulness practices produce in the brain (information processing and neurobiological activity). Nevertheless, these approaches elude any reference to the core feature of mindfulness, that is, its subjective and intersubjective conscious nature. With the aim of providing a viable scientific proposal to fill this gap, we present the enactive approach as a naturally well-sui…Read more
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    Estrategia de selección de entradas y parámetros óptimos para máquinas de soporte vectorial
    with Gober Rivera Monroy, Mora Flórez, and Juan José
    Scientia. forthcoming.
  •  10
    Relational reinforcement learning with guided demonstrations
    with Guillem Alenyà and Carme Torras
    Artificial Intelligence 247 (C): 295-312. 2017.
  • New Perspectives on Inner Speech (edited book)
    with Ignacio Cea, Mayte Vergara, Jorge Calderón, and Alejandro Troncoso
    . 2022.
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    An Experimental Phenomenological Approach to the Study of Inner Speech in Empathy: Bodily Sensations, Emotions, and Felt Knowledge as the Experiential Context of Inner Spoken Voices
    with Ignacio Cea, Mayte Vergara, Jorge Calderón, and Alejandro Troncoso
    In Ignacio Cea, Mayte Vergara, Jorge Calderón, Alejandro Troncoso & David Martínez-Pernía (eds.), New Perspectives on Inner Speech, . 2022.
    The relevance of inner speech for human psychology, especially for higher-order cognitive functions, is widely recognized. However, the study of the phenomenology of inner speech, that is, what it is like for a subject to experience internally speaking his/her voice, has received much less attention. This study explores the subjective experience of inner speech through empathy for pain paradigm. To this end, an experimental phenomenological method was implemented. Sixteen healthy subjects were e…Read more
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    Enhancing Multimodal Learning Through Traditional Sporting Games: Marro360°
    with Pere Lavega-Burgués, Rafael A. Luchoro-Parrilla, Jorge Serna, Cristòfol Salas-Santandreu, Pablo Aires-Araujo, Rosa Rodríguez-Arregi, Verónica Muñoz-Arroyave, Assumpta Ensenyat, Sabrine Damian-Silva, Leonardo Machado, Queralt Prat, Unai Sáez de Ocáriz, Aaron Rillo-Albert, and Miguel Pic
    Frontiers in Psychology 11. 2020.
  • Open peer commentary on the article “Kaleidoscope of Pain: What and How Do You See Through It” by Maja Smrdu. Abstract: I argue that a research method solely focused on subjective experience (phenomenological method) provides scarce scientific evidence to evaluate its support for the 5E theory. Instead, I suggest the experimental phenomenological method, which integrates the scientific study of human subjectivity and research procedures based on experimental psychology.
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    Decreased Pain Perception by Unconscious Emotional Pictures
    with Irene Peláez, Paloma Barjola, Susana Cardoso, and Francisco Mercado
    Frontiers in Psychology 7 222437. 2016.
    Pain perception arises from a complex interaction between a nociceptive stimulus and different emotional and cognitive factors, which appear to be mediated by both automatic and controlled systems. Previous evidence has shown that whereas conscious processing of unpleasant stimuli enhances pain perception, emotional influences on pain under unaware conditions are much less known. The aim of the present study was to investigate the modulation of pain perception by unconscious emotional pictures t…Read more
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    Corrigendum: Decreased Pain Perception by Unconscious Emotional Pictures
    with Irene Peláez, Paloma Barjola, Susana Cardoso, and Francisco Mercado
    Frontiers in Psychology 9. 2018.
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    La «doble respectividad» gnoseológica a la luz de la ontología del conocimiento tomista
    Revista Internacional de Filosofía Teórica y Práctica 1 (1): 51-68. 2024.
    Buena parte del nervio metafísico radica en el esfuerzo, en ocasiones ímprobo, de remontarse al plano de lo quoad se (lo que es «en sí») sin dejarse eclipsar por la seductora inmediatez de lo quoad nos (lo que es «para nosotros», anclados en nuestra propia perspectiva), aun cuando, como en el caso del conocimiento, el objeto tematizado nos toque tan de cerca. De hecho, no se logra abordar satisfactoriamente la realidad del conocimiento en su taleidad, si se parte, en exclusiva, de un primado ind…Read more
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    Realising immigration as a human right: public justification and cosmopolitan solidarity
    with Alexander Elliott
    European Journal of Social Theory 25 (2): 235-251. 2022.
    According to David Miller, immigration is not a human right. Conversely, Kieran Oberman makes a case for immigration as a human right. We agree with the latter view, but we show that its starting point is mistaken. Indeed, both Miller and Oberman discuss the right to immigration within the liberal paradigm: it is a right or not depending on the correct balance between the interests of the citizens of a given national state and the interests of the immigrants. Instead, we claim that public justif…Read more
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    Direct Experience While Eating in a Sample With Eating Disorders and Obesity
    with Joaquim Soler, Ausiàs Cebolla, Matilde Elices, Daniel Campos, Ginés Llorca, Cristina Martínez-Brotóns, Mercedes Jorquera, Xavier Allirot, Cristina Carmona, Verónica Guillen, Cristina Botella, and Rosa M. Baños
    Frontiers in Psychology 9. 2018.
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    Post-secular solidarity: re-bridging the gap between religion and justice
    with Alexander Elliott
    Veritas: Revista de Filosofía y Teología 54 97-115. 2023.
    ResumenEn la ética del discurso, Habermas afirma que la solidaridad es el reverso de la moralidad. Sin embargo, en 2013 rechaza esta tesis y ahora es vista como un concepto ético-político. Según Andrew Pierce, el giro post-secular de Habermas explica este cambio, pues él se habría vuelto escéptico hacia la razón secular. Habermas ha tratado de encontrar un recurso en la religión en lugar de la moralidad para sustentar la solidaridad. Pierce afirma que este movimiento es innecesario. En cierta me…Read more
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    Profesores en pandemia: identidad profesional en medios de comunicación escrita
    with Cindy Palacios, Javiera Mardones, Josefa Páez, Paula Cortez, Pablo J. Castro-Carrasco, Cristián Oyanadel, and Ingrid González Palta
    Logos Revista de Lingüística Filosofía y Literatura 32 (2): 429-446. 2022.
    Este estudio buscó describir e interpretar las teorías subjetivas sobre la identidad profesional docente que se construyen y difunden noticiosamente durante la educación de emergencia por la pandemia de COVID 19. Se utilizó un estudio de análisis documental, metodología cualitativa y un diseño de estudio de casos. El muestreo intencionado y por conveniencia corresponde a 40 noticias de prensa escrita en español, sobre el profesor(a) en pandemia y publicadas en diferentes medios que fueron recole…Read more
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    "I am feeling tension in my whole body": An experimental phenomenological study of empathy for pain
    with Ignacio Cea, Alejandro Troncoso, Kevin Blanco, Jorge Calderón, Constanza Baquedano, Claudio Araya-Veliz, Ana Useros, David Huepe, Valentina Carrera, Victoria Mack-Silva, and Mayte Vergara
    Frontiers in Psychology 13. 2023.
    Introduction: Traditionally, empathy has been studied from two main perspectives: the theory-theory approach and the simulation theory approach. These theories claim that social emotions are fundamentally constituted by mind states in the brain. In contrast, classical phenomenology and recent research based on enactive theories consider empathy as the basic process of contacting others’ emotional experiences through direct bodily perception and sensation. Objective: This study aims to enrich kno…Read more
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    Continuous Organismic Sentience as the Integration of Core Affect and Vitality
    Journal of Consciousness Studies 30 (3-4): 7-33. 2023.
    In consciousness studies there is a growing tendency to consider experience as (i) fundamentally affective and (ii) deeply interlinked with interoceptive and homeostatic bodily processes. However, this view still needs further development to be part of any rigorous theory of consciousness. To advance in this direction, we ask: (1) is there any affective type that is always present in consciousness?, (2) is it related to interoception and homeostasis?, and (3) what are its properties? Here we ana…Read more
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    Influence of Resilience and Optimism on Distress and Intention to Self-Isolate: Contrasting Lower and Higher COVID-19 Illness Risk Samples From an Extended Health Belief Model
    with Sergio Cervera-Torres, Susana Ruiz-Fernández, Hendrik Godbersen, Lena Massó, Sheila Pintado-Cucarella, and Rosa M. Baños
    Frontiers in Psychology 12. 2021.
    The study investigated the influence of resilience and dispositional optimism on, first, emotional distress and, second, the intention to self-isolate, experienced by people with a lower and higher illness risk, during the lockdown imposed in Spain during the first COVID-19 wave. These effects were investigated against the background of the Health Belief Model. A convenience sample of N = 325 participants completed an online survey including an ad-hoc questionnaire measuring the HBM core factors…Read more
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    Resumen: El artículo analiza la noción de subjetividad de Levinas y se examinan sus posibles vínculos con la noción desarrollada por Kant, entendida esta última como una visión ejemplar de la explicación moderna acerca de la subjetividad. Se discute la posición de Hofmeyr, quien argumenta que hubo un cambio paradigmático entre un “Levinas temprano” centrado en la libertad de tipo kantiana, y un “Levinas posterior” centrado en la pasividad y que trasciende a Kant. El artículo muestra que la subje…Read more
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    La subjetividad en Kant y Levinas: autonomía y pasividad frente a la alteridad
    Alpha: Revista de Artes, Letras y Filosofia 1 (50): 85-96. 2020.
    El artículo analiza la noción de subjetividad de Levinas y se examinan sus posibles vínculos con la noción desarrollada por Kant, entendida esta última como una visión ejemplar de la explicación moderna sobre la subjetividad. Se discute la posición de Hofmeyr, quien argumenta que hubo un cambio paradigmático entre un “Levinas temprano” centrado en la libertad de tipo kantiana, y un “Levinas posterior” centrado en la pasividad y que trasciende a Kant. El artículo muestra que la subjetividad en Le…Read more
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    With no doubt, Robert Alexy is one of the most relevant legal theorists of the last decades. Among his multiple and valuable contributions to legal theory, his thoughts about legal principles and balancing should be highlighted, to the point that it is not possible to engage any serious analysis on these topics without considering the contributions of the German philosopher. I will try to argue, though, that his positions suffer from some problems that should be addressed. First, regarding the d…Read more
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    Observaciones sobre algunos aspectos de la filosofía de Ernst Tugendhat
    Universitas Philosophica 35 (71): 351-377. 2018.
    This paper argues that there is a thread in the philosophy of E. Tugendhat binding together his moral and justice theories with his conceptual analysis. Oriented by the thesis that a conceptual analysis is necessary to explain what justice is, this paper reconstructs some aspects of Tugendhat’s philosophy. It is divided in four sections: First, I delve into the author’s definition and use of conceptual analysis. Second, I describe some features of Tugendhat’s moral theory of contractualism. Thir…Read more
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    Resumen: El artículo discute el componente kantiano en la teoría democrática deliberativa. Parte sosteniendo que Kant no solo incorpora derechos individuales sino que también la idea de soberanía popular. Este pensador considera la democracia, pero un sistema de principios tiene prioridad normativa respecto de la práctica de autolegislación colectiva. Después, el escrito muestra que la teoría democrática habermasiana elabora un argumento similar al kantiano. Por tanto, no reconstruye el balance …Read more