An Investigation of the Impact of a Social Constructivist Teaching Approach, based on Trigger Questions, Through Measures of Mental Workload and EfficiencyIn Bruce M. McLaren, Rob Reilly, Susan Zvacek & James Uhomoibhi (eds.), Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Computer Supported Education, Scitepress – Science and Technology Publications. pp. 292-302. 2018.Social constructivism is grounded on the construction of information with a focus on collaborative learning through social interactions. However, it tends to ignore the human mental architecture, pillar of cognitivism. A characteristic of cognitivism is that instructional designs built upon it are generally explicit, contrarily to constructivism. This position paper proposes a novel learning task that is aimed at combining both the approaches through the use of trigger questions in a collaborati…Read more
Ontology Integration and Interoperability 1-Business Process Collaboration Using Semantic Interoperability: Review and FrameworkIn O. Stock & M. Schaerf (eds.), Lecture Notes In Computer Science, Springer Verlag. pp. 191-204. 2006.
Seattle UniversityGraduate student
Seattle, Washington, United States of America
Areas of Interest
17th/18th Century Philosophy |