University of Edinburgh
School Of Informatics
PhD, 1991
London, England, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Areas of Specialization
Science, Logic, and Mathematics

Websites: and

Basics and Contacts:

Prof. David J. Pym, PhD (Edin), MA, ScD (Cantab), CMath FIMA, CITP FBCS, FRSA

Professor of Information, Logic, and Security at UCL, University of London

Head of Programming Principles, Logic, and Verification (PPLV)

Honorary Research Fellow, Institute of Philosophy, School of Advanced Study, University of London

Director of UCL's Centre for Doctoral Training in Cybersecurity

University College London, Department of Computer Science and Department of Philosophy, Gower Street, London WC1E 6BT. Email: d.pym (at) ucl.a…

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