• Preface: A return to classical regimes theory
    with Toivo Koivokoski
    In Geoffrey C. Kellow & Neven Leddy (eds.), On Civic Republicanism: Ancient Lessons for Global Politics, University of Toronto Press. 2016.
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    The Tragic Double Bind of Heidegger’s Techne
    Phaenex: Journal of Existential and Phenomenological Theory and Culture 1 (2). 2007.
    In this paper, I consider Heidegger's call for the recapturing of radical techne or "the original Greek essence of science" because, he argues, it reminds us of our tragic impotence in the face of nature—that humans are in the throws of a fate beyond their determination. For Heidegger, our thinking, our building, our politics, and our art must be episphalês —that is, its aim must not be to protect against or hide from, but to stand firm against the collapse and confusion of Western thinking and …Read more
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    Citizenship and Multiculturalism in Western Liberal Democracies (edited book)
    with Leah Bradshaw
    Lexington Books. 2017.
    Reflections on Citizenship and Multiculturalism in Contemporary Western Liberal Democracies explores the classical understanding of citizenship in dialogue with liberal contractual theorists and multicultural theorists in an effort to understand the complexity and diversity of perspectives on citizenship.
  • Political Judgement in a Technological Age
    Dissertation, Carleton University (Canada). 2003.
    In this thesis, I examine the relationship between politics and technology, with an eye to exposing the weaknesses in both the philosophy of technology and the philosophical revival of phronesis. Part one considers the foundations of the relationship. First, through an exegetical analysis of ancient Greek texts from Sophocles, Thucydides, Plato, and Aristotle, I show that techne or technical knowledge and phronesis or political judgement are basic elements of the polis. This analysis makes clear…Read more
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    The Tragic Double Bind of Heidegger’s Techne
    PhaenEx 1 (2): 94-112. 2006.
    In this paper, I consider Heidegger's call for the recapturing of radical techne or "the original Greek essence of science" because, he argues, it reminds us of our tragic impotence in the face of nature—that humans are in the throws of a fate beyond their determination. For Heidegger, our thinking, our building, our politics, and our art must be episphalês (precarious and prone to fall)—that is, its aim must not be to protect against or hide from, but to stand firm against the collapse and conf…Read more
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    Taxation, the private law, and distributive justice
    with Kevin A. Kordana
    Social Philosophy and Policy 23 (2): 142-165. 2006.
    We argue that for theorists with a post-institutional conception of property, e.g., Rawlsians, there is no principled reason to limit the domain of distributive justice to tax and transfer-both tax policy and the rules of the private law are constructed in service to distributive aims. Such theorists cannot maintain a commitment to a normative conception of private law independent of their overarching distributive principles. In contrast, theorists with a pre-institutional conception of property…Read more
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    Techne, Technology, and Tragedy
    Techné: Research in Philosophy and Technology 7 (3): 90-111. 2004.
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    Globalization, Technology, and Philosophy (edited book)
    with David Tabachnick and Toivo Koivukoski
    State University of New York Press. 2004.
    Confronts globalization and technology from philosophical perspectives
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    The Politics and Philosophy of Anti-Science
    Techné: Research in Philosophy and Technology 9 (1): 27-43. 2005.