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    A Unified Model of Ad Hoc Concepts in Conceptual Spaces
    Minds and Machines 32 (2): 289-309. 2022.
    Ad hoc concepts are highly-context dependent representations humans construct to deal with novel or uncommon situations and to interpret linguistic stimuli in communication. In the last decades, such concepts have been investigated both in experimental cognitive psychology and within pragmatics by proponents of so-called relevance theory. These two research lines have however proceeded in parallel, proposing two unconnected strategies to account for the construction and use of ad hoc concepts. T…Read more
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    Inference to the best neuroscientific explanation
    Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 107 (C): 33-42. 2024.
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    Representations and processes: What role for multivariate methods in cognitive neuroscience?
    Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia e Psicologia 13 (3): 187-199. 2022.
    _Abstract_: The significance of neuroscientific findings for the analysis of central problems in cognitive science has long been a matter of debate. Recent developments in cognitive neuroscience have reignited this discussion, especially with regard to the study of cognitive representations and cognitive processes. The present paper focuses on multivariate analyses, a class of neuroscientific methods that promises to shed new light on the neural bases of cognitive representations. Multivariate a…Read more