• "Hypothesis": The Platonic Concept and its Background in Literature and Medicine
    Dissertation, The University of Texas at Austin. 1977.
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    Learning About Forest Futures Under Climate Change Through Transdisciplinary Collaboration Across Traditional and Western Knowledge Systems
    with Erica Smithwick, Christopher Caldwell, Alexander Klippel, Robert M. Scheller, Nancy Tuana, Rebecca Bliege Bird, Klaus Keller, Melissa Lucash, Robert E. Nicholas, Stacey Olson, Kelsey L. Ruckert, Jared Oyler, Casey Helgeson, and Jiawei Huang
    In Stephen G. Perz (ed.), Collaboration Across Boundaries for Social-Ecological Systems Science, Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 153-184. 2019.
    We provide an overview of a transdisciplinary project about sustainable forest management under climate change. Our project is a partnership with members of the Menominee Nation, a Tribal Nation located in northern Wisconsin, United States. We use immersive virtual experiences, translated from ecosystem model outcomes, to elicit human values about future forest conditions under alternative scenarios. Our project combines expertise across the sciences and humanities as well as across cultures and…Read more
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    Ken of Kin: Aesthetic experience of the Forest
    Journal of Aesthetic Education 51 (1): 15-23. 2017.
    In 2012, Qatar’s royal family bought one of five Paul Cezanne paintings titled The Card Players for approximately $250 million. By way of contrast, a 160-acre plot of hardwood forest in Forest County Wisconsin is now for sale for $250,000. The painting is roughly three feet high by four feet wide. The 160-acre forest is 880 square yards or twice the size of the area around Walden Pond that so inspired Henry David Thoreau and twice the size of Aldo Leopold’s Sauk County farm. The painting sold fo…Read more