•  5
    Floating-point precision tuning using blame analysis
    with C. Rubio-Gonzalez, C. Nguyen, B. Mehne, K. Sen, J. Demmel, W. Kahan, C. Iancu, W. Lavrijsen, and D. H. Bailey
    © 2016 ACM.While tremendously useful, automated techniques for tuning the precision of floating-point programs face important scalability challenges. We present Blame Analysis, a novel dynamic approach that speeds up precision tuning. Blame Analysis performs floating-point instructions using different levels of accuracy for their operands. The analysis determines the precision of all operands such that a given precision is achieved in the final result of the program. Our evaluation on ten scient…Read more
  •  476
    Global Leviathan
    Amazon. 2024.
    The movement of peoples across the earth's surface is challenging the principle of the sanctity of the State as advocated by the United Nations. Substantial minorities now exist in every country of the world and these minorities feel increasingly powerless or even persecuted. Only a new definition of democracy and the rule of an all-powerful Global Leviathan can alleviate their feelings of insecurity.
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    Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals
    Athletics Weekly 345 (June 16 2011): 25. 2011.
    Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals. This article appeared in a 2011 edition of Athletics Weekly. It attempts to answer the perennial question posed by athletics fans as to why the overall standard of UK distance running has significantly deteriorated since the glory days of the 1970’s.
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    Concussion and Consciousness
    New Scientist 3345 (3345): 28. 2021.
    Possible relevance of concussion to consciousness.
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    How does the genetic code navigate through the mind-boggling list of alternatives? This brief article gives a clue.
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    Another forgotten evolution pioneer
    New Scientist 6 (3085): 52. 2016.
    The first person to enunciate the theory of natural selection should not be overlooked.
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    This paper explores two separate elements of sex, namely sexual selection and crossover. A simple computerised genetic algorithm can confirm a possible connection between sexual selection and the elimination of copying errors.
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    The goal of this project is to encourage biologists to exclude any mention of 'copying errors' from the latest definition of the theory of evolution. Instead, it should be accepted that evolutionary change is facilitated by an evolved system of variety-maintenance and variety-generation which in turn leads to novel structures and complexity.
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    Evolutionary Theory in Seven Articles
    Evolutionarytheory.Co.Uk. 2002.
    Neo-Darwinism is an outdated theory. It has never been updated for the computer age, despite the fact that the subject matter can only be investigated with the aid of computers. Come on biologists! Get programing!
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    Neo-Darwinism can be usefully studied with the help of a Computerised Genetic Algorithm. Only a mathematical approach can reveal the shortcomings of the current dogma and point the way to a revised definition of the theory of evolution.
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    Neo-Darwinism is simply incorrect and it is an indictment of modern biology that the Theory of Evolution has not been updated in the light of research that can easily be conducted by anyone with a programmable computer.