46One-dimensional atomic transport by clusters of self-interstitial atoms in iron and copperPhilosophical Magazine 83 (1): 61-91. 2003.Atomic-scale computer simulation has been used to study the thermally activated atomic transport of self-interstitial atoms in the form of planar clusters in pure Cu and f -Fe. There is strong evidence that such clusters are commonly formed in metals during irradiation with high-energy particles and play an important role in accumulation and spatial distribution of surviving defects. An extensive study of the mobility of SIA clusters containing two to 331 interstitials has been carried out using…Read more
23Rejoinder to the response by B. Li [1] on our Comment [2] on the paper B. Li, H. El Kadiri and M.F. Horstemeyer ‘Extended zonal dislocations mediating twinning in titanium’ (review)Philosophical Magazine 93 (26): 3511-3514. 2013.
28A comment on B. Li, H. El Kadiri and M.F. Horstemeyer ‘Extended zonal dislocations mediating twinning in titanium’Philosophical Magazine 93 (26): 3495-3503. 2013.
27Low-energy sputtering events at free surfaces near anti-phase and grain boundaries in Ni3AlPhilosophical Magazine 86 (27): 4243-4258. 2006.
19Atomic-scale mechanisms of void hardening in bcc and fcc metalsPhilosophical Magazine 90 (7-8): 945-961. 2010.
24Mesoscale thermodynamic analysis of atomic-scale dislocation–obstacle interactions simulated by molecular dynamicsPhilosophical Magazine 90 (7-8): 1001-1018. 2010.
18On the origin of large interstitial clusters in displacement cascadesPhilosophical Magazine 90 (7-8): 863-884. 2010.
15Mechanisms of hardening due to copper precipitates in α-ironPhilosophical Magazine 89 (34-36): 3333-3349. 2009.
32Interaction of a moving { } twin boundary with perfect dislocations and loops in a hcp metalPhilosophical Magazine 90 (7-8): 845-861. 2010.
24Reactions between a 1/2⟨111⟩ screw dislocation and ⟨100⟩ interstitial dislocation loops in alpha-iron modelled at atomic scale (review)Philosophical Magazine 90 (7-8): 1019-1033. 2010.
41A model for the dynamics of loop drag by a gliding dislocationPhilosophical Magazine 85 (14): 1473-1493. 2005.
24On the interaction between a vacancy and self-interstitial atom clusters in metalsPhilosophical Magazine 87 (23): 3501-3517. 2007.
20Atomic-scale computer simulation study of the interaction of Cu-rich precipitates with irradiation-produced defects in α-FePhilosophical Magazine 87 (6): 925-943. 2007.
15Atomic-scale study of dislocation–stacking fault tetrahedron interactions. Part I: mechanismsPhilosophical Magazine 86 (16): 2295-2313. 2006.
32Computer simulation of reactions between an edge dislocation and glissile self-interstitial clusters in ironPhilosophical Magazine 86 (25-26): 3921-3936. 2006.
18Sputtering-induced nanometre hole formation in Ni3Al under intense electron beam irradiationPhilosophical Magazine 85 (17): 1805-1817. 2005.
24Dislocation dynamics modelling of dislocation–loop interactions in irradiated metalsPhilosophical Magazine 85 (2-3): 171-188. 2005.
12Point-defect properties of, and sputtering events in, the {001} surfaces of Ni3Al. II. Sputtering events at and near surfaces (review)Philosophical Magazine 85 (16): 1687-1700. 2005.
22Point-defect properties of and sputtering events in the {001} surfaces of Ni3Al I. Surface and point-defect propertiesPhilosophical Magazine 84 (2): 173-191. 2004.
16Atomic modelling of strengthening mechanisms due to voids and copper precipitates in α-ironPhilosophical Magazine 83 (31-34): 3623-3641. 2003.
University of AlbertaGraduate student
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada