•  35
    Corporate institutionalization of ethics in the United States and Great Britain
    with Bodo B. Schlegelmilch
    Journal of Business Ethics 12 (4): 301-312. 1993.
    This paper compares the results of large-scale U.S. and U.K. surveys designed to identify managers' major ethical concerns and to investigate how firms are formulating and communicating ethics policies responsive to these concerns.Our findings indicate some important differences between U.S. and U.K. firms in perceptions of what are important ethical issues, in the means used to communicate ethics policies, and in the issues addressed in ethics policies and employee training. U.K. companies tend…Read more
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    Purchasing Agents’ Deceptive Behavior: A Randomized Response Technique Study
    with Talia Rymon
    Business Ethics Quarterly 11 (3): 455-479. 2001.
    Abstract:The randomized response technique (RRT) is used to study the deceptive behavior of purchasing agents. We test the proposition that purchasing agents’ perceptions of organizational expectations influence their behavior. Results indicate that perceived pressure to perform and ethical ambiguity on the part of the firm are correlated with purchasing agents’ unethical behavior, in the form of acknowledged deception of suppliers.
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    Lying: The Impact of Decision Context
    with William T. Ross
    Business Ethics Quarterly 10 (2): 409-440. 2000.
    Abstract:This study tests the usefulness of a person-situation interactionist framework in examining the willingness of a salesperson to lie to get an order. Using a survey of 389 salespersons, our results demonstrate that organizational relationships influence willingness to lie. Specifically, salespersons are less willing to lie to their own company than to their customer, than to a channel partner, and finally, than to a competitor firm. Furthermore, respondents from firms with a clear and po…Read more
  •  16
    Business Ethics: The Promise of Neuroscience
    with Christian Voegtlin and Thomas Maak
    Journal of Business Ethics 144 (4): 679-697. 2017.
    Recent advances in cognitive neuroscience research portend well for furthering understanding of many of the fundamental questions in the field of business ethics, both normative and empirical. This article provides an overview of neuroscience methodology and brain structures, and explores the areas in which neuroscience research has contributed findings of value to business ethics, as well as suggesting areas for future research. Neuroscience research is especially capable of providing insight i…Read more
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    Corporate ethics initiatives as social control
    with William S. Laufer
    Journal of Business Ethics 16 (10): 1029-1047. 1997.
    Efforts to institutionalize ethics in corporations have been discussed without first addressing the desirability of norm conformity or the possibility that the means used to elicit conformity will be coercive. This article presents a theoretical context, grounded in models of social control, within which ethics initiatives may be evaluated. Ethics initiatives are discussed in relation to variables that already exert control in the workplace, such as environmental controls, organizational control…Read more
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    Expressions of corporate social responsibility in U.k. Firms
    with Nigel Nicholson
    Journal of Business Ethics 15 (10). 1996.
    This study examines corporate publications of U.K. firms to investigate the nature of corporate social responsibility disclosure. Using a stakeholder approach to corporate social responsibility, our results suggest a hierarchical model of disclosure: from general rhetoric to specific endeavors to implementation and monitoring. Industry differences in attention to specific stakeholder groups are noted. These differences suggest the need to understand the effects on social responsibility disclosur…Read more
  • ABSTRACT: Work-Related Ethical Attitudes: Impact on Business Profitability [with Commentary]
    with Thomas W. Dunfee and Charles T. Hutchinson
    Business and Professional Ethics Journal 4 (1). 1985.
    The argument is developed that work-related ethical attitudes (WREAs) are important factors in a firm's performance. WREAs are presented as far more relevant than values to the study of the impact of employee ethical behavior. WREAs are more predictive of behavior, more malleable, and more situation-specific. Critical categories of WREAs are those related to honesty, loyalty, and responsibility. Firms having a workforce with position WREAs should have a higher output with lower administrative co…Read more
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    A typology of situational factors: Impact on salesperson decision-making about ethical issues (review)
    with William T. Ross
    Journal of Business Ethics 46 (3). 2003.
    We explore two dimensions of situational factors expected to influence decision-making about ethical issues among sales representatives – universal vs. particular and direct vs. indirect. We argue that these distinctions are important theoretically, methodologically, and managerially. We test our hypotheses by means of a survey of 252 sales representatives. Our results confirm that considering universal and particular and direct and indirect situational factors contributes to our understanding o…Read more
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    Business and Professional Ethics Journal 4 (1): 73-73. 1985.
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    Fairness of Pricing Decisions
    Business Ethics Quarterly 9 (2): 225-243. 1999.
    Abstract:Our research investigated pricing policies of fast-food restaurants in predominantly black neighborhoods. We argue that the lack of monitoring of franchisees’ pricing policies leads to higher prices. Results indicate that franchisees are significantly more likely than company-owned outlets to charge higher prices based on the proportion of blacks in a neighborhood. These price differences do not appear to be explained away by cost or competition factors. Our findings do not establish an…Read more
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    Integrating ethics into the business school curriculum
    with Thomas W. Dunfee
    Journal of Business Ethics 7 (11). 1988.
    A project on teaching business ethics at The Wharton School concluded that ethics should be directly incorporated into key MBA courses and taught by the core business faculty. The project team, comprised of students, ethics faculty and functional business faculty, designed a model program for integrating ethics. The project was funded by the Exxon Education Foundation.The program originates with a general introduction designed to familiarize students with literature and concepts pertaining to pr…Read more
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    The U.S. and U.K. models of corporate social responsibility (CSR) are relatively well defined. As the phenomenon of CSR establishes itself more globally, the question arises as to the nature of CSR in other countries. Is a universal model of CSR applicable across countries or is CSR specific to country context? This article uses integrative social contracts theory (ISCT) and four institutional factors – firm ownership structure, corporate governance, openness of the economy to international inve…Read more
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    Now read this: Book reviews. A controversial approach to business ethics (review)
    Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 4 (2). 1995.
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    Work-Related Ethical Attitudes: Impact on Business Profitability
    with Thomas W. Dunfee
    Business and Professional Ethics Journal 3 (2): 25-40. 1984.
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    Empiricism in business ethics: Suggested research directions (review)
    Journal of Business Ethics 12 (8). 1993.
    This paper considers future directions of empirical research in business ethics and presents a series of recommendations. Greater emphasis should be placed on the normative basis of empirical studies, behavior (rather than attitudes) should be established as the key dependent variable, theoretical models of ethical decision making should be tested, and empirical studies need to focus on theory-building. Extensions of methodology and the unit of analysis are proposed together with recommendations…Read more
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    Now Read This: Book Reviews (review)
    Business Ethics: A European Review 4 (2): 122-123. 1995.