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    Utopische Träumereien?
    Philosophisches Jahrbuch 130 (2): 45-60. 2023.
    This paper argues that the common argument, that a state’s monopoly of violence is a necessary condition for peace, is flawed. First, it rests on anthropological assumptions about violent tendencies in human nature that may be valid for our society but cannot claim to correctly picture the (universal) human nature. Secondly, monopolies of violence are in reality less functional than they would need to be; most importantly, their agents distribute more violence than necessary or legitimate. Given…Read more
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    Kulturelle Grundlagen des Rechts
    Zeitschrift für Kulturphilosophie 2016 (1): 209-210. 2016.
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    Dissenting in Thought, Conforming in Action?
    Archiv für Rechts- und Sozialphilosophie 108 (4): 500-517. 2022.
    In Hobbes scholarship, interpretations of his political philosophy as a liberal one have been substantiated with the argument that it contains a doctrine of toleration and defends the subjects’ liberty of conscience. I will argue that this argument is wrong. While Hobbes does accept a (limited) possibility of inner dissent, he rejects any right of citizens to openly declare their dissenting opinions and suggests means to influence these opinions and beliefs. While according to Hobbes the state s…Read more
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    Vor allem die philosophische Religionskritik fokussiert sich zu oft auf die Kritik an der Annahme der Existenz Gottes. Dabei gerät aus dem Blick, dass Religionen nicht allein in Überzeugungen bestehen, sondern komplexe soziale Praktiken darstellen, die das Leben ihrer Gläubigen strukturieren, orientieren, stabilisieren und/oder irritieren. Die hier versammelten Beiträge thematisieren diesen Aspekt von Religion in Auseinandersetzung mit dem von Rahel Jaeggi konzipierten Modell einer "Kritik v…Read more
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    Stumme Schreie
    Zeitschrift für Praktische Philosophie 9 (1): 225-250. 2022.
    Trotz der wiederholten Kritik an ihm scheint Johan Galtungs Begriff der „strukturellen Gewalt“ durch die Verbindung von sozialwissenschaftlicher Analyse und normativer Kritik komplexer sozialer Strukturen wie gemacht zu sein für die Analyse epistemischen Unrechts. Während andere Autor:innen deutlich klarer definierte und abgegrenzte Begriffe der strukturellen oder „institutionalisierten“ Gewalt vorgeschlagen haben, fehlt hier meist eine Diskussion der entsprechenden Phänomene, die den Begriff de…Read more
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    Unlike other subjects of philosophy, violence is a familiar part of our everyday life, even if we usually encounter it primarily in the news. But does this mean that we already know what “violence” really is? So it would seem. Yet on second, philosophically mindful thoughts it becomes apparent that this seemingly trivial question is anything but easy to answer. This book offers a critical enquiry of the concept of violence, including detailed discussions of the concepts of collective and institu…Read more
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    Geschändete Statuen und getötete Ideen
    Archiv für Rechts- und Sozialphilosophie 104 (1): 84-102. 2018.
    Public discussions no less than philosophical debates about violence, about its essence and justification, often discuss violence against inanimate objects such as buildings or statues. This concept of „violence against things“ is, however, contested, not least because other than humans or other animals, things do not suffer violence. This article discusses various approaches that make sense of and attempt to justify talking of „violence against things“. These various attempts are, however, all …Read more
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    Zur (Un)Übersetzbarkeit religiöser Rede Kritische Anmerkungen zu Habermas' neuerer Religionsphilosophie
    Zeitschrift für Philosophische Forschung 64 (3): 378-392. 2010.
    Jürgen Habermas’ Zugehen auf die Religion ist wohl das prominenteste Beispiel einer auch aktuell in der Philosophie häufig zu findenden Tendenz, eine affirmative Haltung zur Religion und den durch sie vertretenen Ansprüchen und Konzepten einzunehmen. Entscheidend ist dabei diejenige Haltung zu religiösen Wahrheitsansprüchen, die Habermas bisweilen als „nachmetaphysisch“, vor allem aber als „agnostisch“ bezeichnet. Dabei nimmt der Agnostizismus, wie sich am Beispiel Habermas’ exemplarisch zeigen …Read more
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    Referate über deutschsprachige Neuerscheinungen A Otfried Höffe-Thomas Hobbes
    Philosophischer Literaturanzeiger 63 (3): 211. 2010.
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    Raped Statues and Murdered Ideas Remarks on the Concept of,,Violence against Things"
    Archiv Fuer Rechts Und Sozialphilosphie 104 (1): 84-102. 2018.
  • Otfried Höffe: Thomas Hobbes (review)
    Philosophischer Literaturanzeiger 63 (3). 2010.
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    In the last few years it has become fashionable to 'rethink' the heritage of the western secularist modernity and claim that it is, basically, Christian. One possibility of proving this thesis is to show that the founding fathers of secularism themselves argued from an - at least implicitly - Christian point of view, above all when setting up the normative standards for politics. One such deliberately secular founding father is Thomas Hobbes, and contrary to Christian or religious interpretation…Read more
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    “Grausamkeit“ als essentiell umstrittener Begriff
    Zeitschrift für Philosophische Forschung 73 (4): 550-569. 2019.
    A discussion of the nature of cruelty seems to be superfluous: it's infliction of pain for one's own pleasure. This definition is, however, problematic. Neither does it encompass all cases of cruel behaviour, nor is every suffering inflicted in favour of one's own pleasure cruel. Similarly, neither the disproportion of the suffering inflicted, nor the helplessness of the victim are good alternatives to es- tablish a more appropriate definition. In this paper I argue that while “cruelty" may be d…Read more
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    In the last few years it has become fashionable to 'rethink′ the heritage of the western secularist modernity and claim that it is, basically, Christian. One possibility of proving this thesis is to show that the founding fathers of secularism themselves argued from an – at least implicitly – Christian point of view, above all when setting up the normative standards for politics. One such deliberately secular founding father is Thomas Hobbes, and contrary to Christian or religious interpretation…Read more
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    Minimale Moral und die Realität moralischer Praxis Zur Reichweite des moralischen Kontraktualismus
    Zeitschrift für Philosophische Forschung 69 (1): 26-42. 2015.
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    Martin Lenz: Lockes Sprachkonzeption (review)
    Philosophischer Literaturanzeiger 64 (2): 130. 2011.
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    Die Komplexität unserer zweiten Natur
    Archiv Für Rechts- Und Sozialphilosphie 102 (2): 186-201. 2016.
    Challenging the traditional dichotomies between morals and law or between mores and law, this paper establishes a distinction between morals, manners and law as three distinctive types of social norms. They have to be distinguished, or so I argue, concerning the way they are created, concerning the way they are sanctioned and concerning the obligatory status we assign them. Lastly, each of these types has a peculiar function as regards the stabilization of behaviour in the respective society. Th…Read more
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    This book contains the first complete interpretation of all aspects of Hobbes's philosophy which treat religious convictions and practices. Not only his philosophy of religion and his philosophical theology, but also his biblical theology are treated in extense. The main thesis is that, according to Hobbes, neither philosophy nor politics in any way need a religious fundament; but since religions establish institutions and thus accumulate means of power, they are necessarily an object of politic…Read more
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    Institutio Oratoria: Bacon, Hobbes, Descartes, Spinoza (review)
    Hobbes Studies 24 (2): 205-209. 2011.
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    Kulturelle Grundlagen des Rechts Axel Montenbruck über die Zivilreligion des Westens (review)
    Zeitschrift Fuer Kulturphilosophie 2016 (1): 209-210. 2016.
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