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    Understanding causal mechanisms in the study of group bias
    with Dominik Duell
    Behavioral and Brain Sciences 45. 2022.
    Causal mechanisms' portability and their predictions in sometimes counterfactual settings point to the value of studies with details of interactions and/or convenience samples that depart from those in the proximate contexts of the phenomena of interest. The proper role of such contexts must be construed within an explanatory framework attentive to the nature and properties of relevant causal mechanisms.
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    Is Random Selection a Cure for the Ills of Electoral Representation?
    Journal of Political Philosophy 29 (1): 46-72. 2021.
    Journal of Political Philosophy, EarlyView.
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    Moral Pluralism and Democratic Deliberation
    Dissertation, University of Minnesota. 2002.
    The central question of this dissertation is "what must a theory of political legitimacy for a morally pluralist society look like?" The key building blocks of the proposed answer are a morally cognitivist approach to moral belief; prima facie unconstrained moral pluralism; a "broad interpretation" of deliberation ; and the complex moral economy of a decision to participate in moral deliberation. It is argued that internally consistent moral theories that are compatible with moral cognitivism, t…Read more
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    On the possibility of Kantian retributivism
    Utilitas 21 (3): 276-296. 2009.
    One of the most potent motivations for retributivist approaches to punishment has been their apparent connection to an ethical background shaped by the Kantian notion of morally autonomous and rational human agency. The present article challenges the plausibility of this connection. I argue that retributivism subverts, rather than embodies, the normative consequences of moral autonomy, justifying a social practice that conflicts with the considered judgments that the proper recognition of moral …Read more
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    Toleration and Self-Skepticism1
    In Russel Hardin, Ingrid Crepell & Stephen Macedo (eds.), toleration on trial, Lexington Books. pp. 49. 2008.
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    Mixed motives in the equilibrium view of joint intention
    with Nicholas Almendares
    Philosophical Studies 173 (3): 733-755. 2016.
    We develop a theory of joint intention in contexts in which participants have mixed motives that can manifest in all-things-considered reasons to deviate from contributing to the desired project, e.g., contexts with collective action problems. Our theory is based on strategic equilibrium-based reasoning, which links the characterization of joint intention in terms of individual intentions with conditions on strategy profiles of the underlying strategic games. We use elements of equilibrium reaso…Read more
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    Strategic coordination and the law
    with Nicholas Almendares
    Law and Philosophy 26 (5): 501-529. 2007.
    We re-examine the relationship between coordination, legal sanctions, and free-riding in light of the recent controversy regarding the applicability of the coordination problem paradigm of law-making. We argue that legal sanctions can help solve coordination problems by eliminating socially suboptimal equilibrium outcomes. Once coordination has taken place, however, free-riding can not lead to the breakdown of coordination outcomes, even if sanctions may still be effective at increasing the equi…Read more