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    The Effectual: Replying to Responses
    Australasian Philosophical Review 6 (3): 315-325. 2022.
    1. The opening sentences of Being and Time (§1) indicate that, according to Heidegger, Plato and Aristotle raised the question of being. A page later, Heidegger asserts that Aristotle discovered th...
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    The paper demonstrates how Heidegger constructed his notion of an action without ends, or the ineffectual, through his early readings of Aristotle. Heidegger initially aligns the ineffectual with the notion of phronesis in Nicomachean Ethics, and later develops it further in Division 2 of Being and Time. The paper examines some of the implications of the conception of an action without ends. It shows that in fact the notion is absent from Aristotle and it is inconsistent. Finally, the paper brie…Read more
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    Φρόνησις and Instrumentality
    Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal 44 (1): 99-122. 2023.
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    In Andrew E. Benjamin & Dimitris Vardoulakis (eds.), Sparks Will Fly: Benjamin and Heidegger, State University of New York Press. 2015.
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    A Matter of Immediacy
    In Andrew E. Benjamin & Dimitris Vardoulakis (eds.), Sparks Will Fly: Benjamin and Heidegger, State University of New York Press. pp. 237-257. 2015.
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    Why Ancient Monism Matters Today: Heidegger and Plato’s Sophist
    Review of Metaphysics 77 (2): 299-326. 2023.
    Ancient monism matters today because it reveals an alternative answer to a problem faced by ontology “after the death of god,” namely, how to distinguish between good and bad actions after the disappearance of transcendence. The modern answer in Continental philosophy was systematized by Heidegger and consists in positing that the everyday is permeated by instrumentality whereas there is a different kind of action that is noninstrumental, such as art or the thinking of being. By contrast, ancien…Read more
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    Heidegger’s Other Path
    Philosophy Today 67 (2): 273-294. 2023.
    The paper examines the importance of monism in Heidegger’s thought. Monism is understood here as the supposition of one kind of existence, or a single mode of being. Monism matters for a better understanding of Heidegger’s approach to practical philosophy. The paper explains that monism always faced the question of how to account for action. If there is a single, unified being, then aren’t all actions merely modifications of that being? The paper traces Heidegger’s answer to this question to arg…Read more
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    Has there ever been a better time to be a Spinoza scholar? As an undergraduate studying in a large philosophy department in the 1990s, I encountered Spinoza only in a general introductory course wh...
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    Spinoza on the Death of the Master
    In Dominik Finkelde & Rebekka Klein (eds.), In Need of a Master: Politics, Theology, and Radical Democracy, De Gruyter. pp. 71-92. 2021.
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    Review: Spinoza and the Politics of Freedom by Dan Taylor and Spinoza's Religion by Clare Carlisle (review)
    British Journal for the History of Philosophy 30 (5): 897-901. 2022.
    Has there ever been a better time to be a Spinoza scholar? As an undergraduate studying in a large philosophy department in the 1990s, I encountered Spinoza only in a general introductory course wh...
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    The Three Apples
    Philosophy Today 64 (4): 913-918. 2020.
    From the fall of the Berlin Wall to 9/11, agonistic democracy promised to navigate away from both liberalism and dialectical materialism. How can we renew that discourse to highlight its significance in the times of COVID-19? I answer this question by looking at three articulations of the apple metaphor.
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    The Freedom to Lie
    Philosophy Today 58 (2): 141-162. 2014.
    This article examines the connection between lying and the concept of freedom, especially in the wake of the social contract tradition. I show that the liar poses a particular threat to the social contract. As a result, lying has been portrayed as a pernicious threat to the political. This culminates in Kant’s outright rejection of lying under any circumstance. From the Kantian perspective, one can be free only if one does not lie. Conversely, Spinoza’s co-implication of virtue and power entails…Read more
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    The Politics of Nothing: On Sovereignty (edited book)
    with Clare Monagle
    Routledge. 2012.
    This book questions what sovereignty looks like when it is de-ontologised; when the nothingness at the heart of claims to sovereignty is unmasked and laid bare. Drawing on critical thinkers in political theology, such as Schmitt, Agamben, Nancy, Blanchot, Paulhan, The Politics of Nothing asks what happens to the political when considered in the frame of the productive potential of the nothing? The answers are framed in terms of the deep intellectual histories at our disposal for considering thes…Read more
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    How baroque was Spinoza in his treatment of the prophets? I examine this question by comparing the pictorial treatments of Moses from the Netherlands to Spinoza’s treatment of Moses at the beginning of the Theological Political Treatise. I concentrate on two representations of Moses descending from mount Sinai, one by Ferdinand Bol and the other by Rembrandt. Of particular importance is the idea of hierarchy. I will argue that Spinoza takes an ambiguous position in relation to baroque, on the on…Read more
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    It examines the concept of utopia through an analysis of a major work of Greek literature, Aris Alexandrou's "The Mission Box."
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    The Ends of Stasis: Spinoza, Reader of Agamben
    In Clare Monagle & Dimitris Vardoulakis (eds.), The Politics of Nothing: On Sovereignty, Routledge. pp. 51-62. 2012.
    Vardoulakis explores the connection between sovereignty and stasis in the work of Agamben. It considers some of Agamben's most famous formulations of sovereignty, such in Homo Sacer. But the focus is on some seemingly obscure references to Spinoza in Agamben's works. Vardoulakis argues that these references reveal the logic of Agamben's political philosophy -- including a politics of reading that influences his account of the philosophical tradition.
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    The Doppelgänger: literature's philosophy
    Fordham University Press. 2010.
    The Doppelgänger or Double presents literature as the “double” of philosophy. There are historical reasons for this. The genesis of the Doppelgänger is literature’s response to the philosophical focus on subjectivity. The Doppelgänger was coined by the German author Jean Paul in 1796 as a critique of Idealism’s assertion of subjective autonomy, individuality and human agency. This critique prefigures post-War extrapolations of the subject as decentred. From this perspective, the Doppelgänger has…Read more
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    The article examines the concept of duty with reference to Ibsen's play "Ghosts." It offers a brief genealogy of duty while linking the concept of duty to a deconstructive approach.
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    It examines the context of the referendum in Greece in the summer of 2015 in view of theories of sovereignty and theories of judgment.
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    The article explores the distinction between authority and authoritarianism from the perspective of the concept of sovereignty.
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    Stasis: Notes Toward Agonist Democracy
    Theory and Event 20 (3): 699-725. 2017.
    The difficulty with democracy is always how to define the demos—the people. Can we think of democracy in a different way? My starting point is to ask what it would mean to take kratos (power) rather than demos as the starting point of the thinking of democracy. I will argue that this is consistent with Solon’s first democratic constitution and that it leads to a thinking of democracy in terms of agonism. Maybe such a conception of agonistic democracy will allow us to conceptualize as well as act…Read more
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    In the first few pages of chapter 4 of his Theological Political Treatise (1670), Spinoza defines his conception of the law. In fact, he defines the law twice, first in terms of compulsion or necessity and then in terms of use. I would like to investigate here these definitions, in particular the second one, as it is Spinoza’s preferred one. The difficulty with understanding this definition is that it contains an expression, ratio vivendi, that is repeated several times in the first few pages of…Read more
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    Spinoza Now
    In Spinoza Now, University of Minnesota Press. 2011.
    The Introduction argues for the significance of Spinoza in contemporary philosophical, social and political debates. It also presents the main arguments presented by the contributors to this volume.
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    The articles considers how the "death of the subject" influences ways in which we understand the aestheticization of the political." It explores how Walter Benjamin's "The Work of Art in the Age of Technological Reproducibility" can contribute to a conception of the political implications of thinking the subject. It also turns to Solon's conception of subjectivity as a way of mediating the current discussion on the subject.
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    Stasis: Beyond Political Theology?
    Cultural Critique 73 125-47. 2009.
    Vardoulakis examines the concept of political theology in terms of the ancient greek term "stasis." The term "stasis" means both mobility and immobility. Vardoulakis explores these seemingly contradictory meanings generate a notion of agonistic politics that challenges perceived ideas about political theology.
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    Spinoza’s Empty Law: The Possibility of Political Theology
    In Beth Lord (ed.), Spinoza Beyond Philosophy, Edinburgh University Press. pp. 135-48. 2012.
    The article considers the position of Spinoza within the discourse of political theology.
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    Not life, but bad literature
    New Philosopher Magazine. 2013.
    In Shame and Necessity, Bernard Williams recounts that colleagues often ask why he analyses literary texts – why can’t he use examples from “real life”? He responds that “it is a perfectly good question, and it has a short answer: what philosophers will lay before themselves and their readers as an alternative to literature will not be life, but bad literature.” This anecdote contains an argument that would be readily embraced by any proponent of “post-structuralism.” Namely, it suggests that no…Read more
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    Kafka’s Cages
    with Kiarina Kordela
    In Dimitris Vardoulakis & Kiarina Kordela (eds.), Freedom and Confinement in Modernity: Kafka’s Cages, Palgrave. pp. 1-6. 2011.
    It explains the importance of the concept of freedom in Kafka's work.