• University of Helsinki
    Department of Philosophy (Theoretical Philosophy, Practical Philosophy, Philosophy in Swedish)
Helsinki, Finland
  •  16
    Second Workshop on Implementing Machine Ethics
    with Vaz Alves Gleifer, Louise Dennis, Michael Fisher, Anthony Behan, Christoph Merdes, Ken Archer, Labhaoise Ní Fhaoláin, Andrew Hines, Loizos Michael, C. Rafael Cardoso, Daniel Ene, Tom Evans, Satwant Kaur, Sarah Carter, Sergio Grancagnolo, and Steven Greidinger
    s for the Second Workshop on Implementing Machine Ethics.
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    What Does It Mean for a Robot to Be Respectful?
    Techné: Research in Philosophy and Technology 26 (1): 1-30. 2022.
    Intelligent systems are increasingly incorporated into relationships that had, until recently, been reserved solely for humans, and are delegated the role of a partner, which, if human, would presuppose a system of normatively regulated interactivity. This includes expectations of reciprocity and certain attitudes/actions towards human actors, such as respect. Even though a robot cannot respect, I argue that it can be respectful. A robot can be attributed respectfulness iff its interactions with…Read more
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    Epistemo-ethical constraints on AI-human decision making for diagnostic purposes
    with Athanasios Votsis
    Ethics and Information Technology 24 (2). 2022.
    This paper approaches the interaction of a health professional with an AI system for diagnostic purposes as a hybrid decision making process and conceptualizes epistemo-ethical constraints on this process. We argue for the importance of the understanding of the underlying machine epistemology in order to raise awareness of and facilitate realistic expectations from AI as a decision support system, both among healthcare professionals and the potential benefiters. Understanding the epistemic abili…Read more
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    F. H. Bradleyn moraalifilosofia: analyyttinen lähestymistapa.
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    Bradley’s “my station and its duties” and its moral significance
    Zeitschrift Für Ethik Und Moralphilosophie 2 (2): 195-211. 2019.
    I argue that, according to F. H. Bradley’s Ethical Studies, duties of our station are not morally obligatory unless they are required from an ideal point of view. I support my interpretation by showing that Bradley places the ideal point of view higher than the social and requires that what society demands from us is evaluated from that higher point of view. My argument relies on a detailed analysis of “my station and its duties”. The phrase must be understood as a category that refers to differ…Read more
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    Grand Desires and F.H. Bradley's Views on Moral Life
    Collingwood and British Idealism Studies 24 (1): 41-69. 2018.