Dina Mendonça is a full member of the research team of Instituto de Filosofia da Linguagem, holding a post-doctoral position granted by Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (http://www.fct.mct.pt/)
She’s currently working on a Pragmatic Analysis of Emotion developing a new approach to philosophy of emotions by taking them as dynamic and active situational occurrences. In addition, this research of Deweyan inspiration, aims at elaborating a critical interpretation of the philosophy of emotions clarifying: on the one hand, (1) the different methodological approaches to emotions; on the other hand, (2) the topics that surround reflection upon…
Dina Mendonça is a full member of the research team of Instituto de Filosofia da Linguagem, holding a post-doctoral position granted by Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (http://www.fct.mct.pt/)
She’s currently working on a Pragmatic Analysis of Emotion developing a new approach to philosophy of emotions by taking them as dynamic and active situational occurrences. In addition, this research of Deweyan inspiration, aims at elaborating a critical interpretation of the philosophy of emotions clarifying: on the one hand, (1) the different methodological approaches to emotions; on the other hand, (2) the topics that surround reflection upon emotion. Among other things, the project aims to continue constructing the commented bibliography and a research database on philosophy of emotion (see personal webpage).
Simultaneously, she does Philosophy for Children in several differente settings: training and counseling teachers for the application of Philosophy for Children program, developing and testing new and original material (Philosophy for children Manual for Kinderganden, forthcoming), presenting and explaining Philosophy for Children to the wider and more general public.