•  5
    In the present paper, I take findings from the postphenomenological variation of instrumental realism to develop an ‘environmental framework’ to provide a philosophical answer to the ‘problem of representation.’ The framework focuses on three elements of the representational environment, image-making technology, image as a representational device, and scientific hermeneutic strategies occurring within the image interpretation process in the laboratory set-up. The central idea in this regard is t…Read more
  •  31
    This article suggests several design principles intended to assist in the development of ethical algorithms exemplified by the task of fighting fake news. Although numerous algorithmic solutions have been proposed, fake news still remains a wicked socio-technical problem that begs not only engineering but also ethical considerations. We suggest employing insights from ethics of care while maintaining its speculative stance to ask how algorithms and design processes would be different if they gen…Read more
  •  34
    Back to the technologies themselves: phenomenological turn within postphenomenology
    Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 1-20. forthcoming.
    This paper revives phenomenological elements to have a better framework for addressing the implications of technologies on society. For this reason, we introduce the motto “back to the technologies themselves” to show how some phenomenological elements, which have not been highlighted in the philosophy of technology so far, can be fruitfully integrated within the postphenomenological analysis. In particular, we introduce the notion of technological intentionality in relation to the passive synth…Read more
  •  18
    Філософський вимір освітніх технологій: аналіз етичного простору сучасної смарт-освіти
    Наукові Записки Наукма. Філософія Та Релігієзнавство 9 68-75. 2022.
    Незважаючи на те, що розумна освіта (smart education) є одним із найдинамічніших технологічних трендів сьогодні, ми ще й досі мало знаємо про філософські й етичні наслідки, до яких може призвести повсюдна імплементація інноваційних технологій в освітню сферу. У науковій літературі термін «розумна освіта» часто вживають як «загальне поняття» (umbrella term). Найчастіше цей термін охоплює широкий спектр різних технологічних тенденцій і навчальних підходів у сучасній освіті. Через це, перш ніж загл…Read more
  •  31
    The purpose of the present article is to contribute to the postphenomenological theory of technological mediation by introducing a new type of ‘human-technology’ relation named ‘transcending mediation’. Previously postphenomenology didn’t pay much attention to the role technology plays in mediating human relation to Transcendence. This was because of empirical turn and pragmatism that are anti-metaphysical in their nature. In the present paper, however, I will show that the empirical element of …Read more
  •  42
    Intelligent algorithms together with various machine learning techniques hold a dominant position among major challenges for contemporary value sensitive design. Self-learning capabilities of current AI applications blur the causal link between programmer and computer behavior. This creates a vital challenge for the design, development and implementation of digital technologies nowadays. This paper seeks to provide an account of this challenge. The main question that shapes the current analysis …Read more
  •  33
    This paper aims to highlight the life of computer technologies to understand what kind of ‘technological intentionality’ is present in computers based upon the phenomenological elements constituting the objects in general. Such a study can better explain the effects of new digital technologies on our society and highlight the role of digital technologies by focusing on their activities. Even if Husserlian phenomenology rarely talks about technologies, some of its aspects can be used to address t…Read more
  •  75
    Contemporary medical diagnostics has a dynamic moral landscape, which includes a variety of agents, factors, and components. A significant part of this landscape is composed of information technologies that play a vital role in doctors’ decision-making. This paper focuses on the so-called Intelligent Decision-Support System that is widely implemented in the domain of contemporary medical diagnosis. The purpose of this article is twofold. First, I will show that the IDSS may be considered a moral…Read more
  •  16
    Філософсько-антропологічні студії в наукма: Проблема морально-етичної природи людини
    Наукові Записки Наукма. Філософія Та Релігієзнавство 1 3-11. 2018.
    Last year, the Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies of “Kyiv-Mohyla Academy” celebrated the 25 th anniversary. This article confines to this very special event and analyzes three important anthropological studies that deal with moral components of human being. The research directions have been formed at the Department since its establishment in 1992. The first part of the article focuses mainly on the Kantian studies. According to Kant’s anthropology, human nature should be explored on…Read more
  •  1459
    Philosophical and anthropological studies in NaUKMA: the problem of human as a moral and ethical being
    Наукові Записки Наукма. Філософія Та Релігієзнавство 1 3-11. 2018.
    Last year, the Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies of “Kyiv-Mohyla Academy” celebrated the 25 th anniversary. This article confines to this very special event and analyzes three important anthropological studies that deal with moral components of human being. The research directions have been formed at the Department since its establishment in 1992. The first part of the article focuses mainly on the Kantian studies. According to Kant’s anthropology, human nature should be explored on…Read more