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    Theodicy, Regress, and the Problem of Eternal Separation
    Journal of Analytic Theology 11 85-109. 2023.
    The problem of eternal separation is the problem of explaining how someone could be happy in heaven while knowing that his beloved is in hell. Some argue that this problem is insoluble, while others try to solve it through the lover, the beloved, or the love between them. I argue that the problem of eternal separation is really three problems, namely, of suffering, separation, and regret. I show that no existing reply solves these problems simultaneously. I then present a new approach through th…Read more
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    Review of Spiritual Traditions and the Virtues, by Mark R. Wynn (review)
    European Journal for Philosophy of Religion. forthcoming.
    This perceptive and engaging work proposes a new approach to philosophical theology. Rather than beginning with the metaphysics or epistemology of religion, Wynn proposes to begin with the nature of spiritual goods and the ways in which they are pursued, understood, and handed on within spiritual traditions. Wynn advances his discussion while relying heavily on Aquinas’s Thomistic notion of infused virtue. The result is a fresh take on the “hybrid” nature of spiritual goods, which order human…Read more