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    Gregory La Cava’s 1936 screwball comedy film My Man Godfrey is structured by consubstantiality, which will be defined here as the reification of a second, oppositional element in response to the negation of a first. Because the second element is conditioned by the very thing it negated, a third element is required to reverse the (subjective) point of view as corollary to the first, objective reversal. The film takes place in the depths of the Great Depression; its story centers on the discovery …Read more
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    Commonplaces: Essays on the Nature of Place
    with David W. Black and John Pickles
    University Press of Amer. 1989.
  • Three outlooks have dominated modern geographical thought: that we represent the world in thought; that this is relative to the thinker; and that as a consequence we are limited in our knowledge of what the world is really like. The foundations of these outlooks, the idea of place and place's general historical and philosophical relation to thought, have been unexamined. One of the most promising remedies is to be found in the philosophy of Giambattista Vico, whose notion of place as both physic…Read more
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    "True Speech"
    Semiotics 688-700. 1985.