• The Emotion Toolkit: Lessons from the Science of Emotion
    with Heather Lench, Cassandra Baldwin, and Katie Garrison
    In Heather C. Lench (ed.), The Functions of Emotion: When and Why Emotions Help Us, Springer. pp. 253-261. 2018.
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    Appreciation as an Epistemic Emotion
    Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 25 (2): 249-264. 2022.
    In this paper, I develop an account of appreciation. I argue that appreciation is an epistemic emotion in which the subject grasps the object in an affective way. The “grasping” and “feeling” components implies that in appreciation, we make sense of the object by having cognitive control over it, are motivated to maintain the valuable epistemic state of understanding, and experience the “aha” or “eureka” moment. This account offers a unified account of the many types of appreciation, including t…Read more
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    Jokes can fail to be funny because they are immoral: The incompatibility of emotions
    with Kaiyuan Chen
    Philosophical Psychology 34 (3): 374-396. 2021.
    Justin D’Arms and Daniel Jacobson have argued that to evaluate the funniness of a joke based on the consideration of whether it is morally appropriate to feel amused commits the “moralistic fallacy.” We offer a new and empirically informed reply. We argue that there is a way to take morality into consideration without committing this fallacy, that is, it is legitimate to say that for some people, witty but immoral jokes can fail to be funny because they are immoral. In our account, one has an in…Read more