• The platforming of human embryo editing: prospecting “disease free” futures
    with Ayo Wahlberg, Priscilla Song, and Zhu Jianfeng
    New Genetics and Society 40 (4): 367-383. 2021.
    In November 2018, a scientific scandal broke when news emerged that the world’s first gene edited babies had been born in China on the eve of the 2nd International Summit on Human Genome Editing in Hong Kong. He Jiankui had recruited a total of seven couples who were in need of fertility treatment to participate in an effort to clinically apply human embryo editing with the promise that, if successful, their future children would be protected from HIV. While He Jiankui has since been jailed for …Read more
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    Plasticity and thermal recovery of thin copper wires in torsion
    with David J. Dunstan and Andrew J. Bushby
    Philosophical Magazine 95 (16-18): 1739-1750. 2015.