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    14th Scandinavian Conference on Artificial Intelligence SCAI 2024 (edited book)
    with Florian Westphal, Maria Riveiro, Kerstin Bach, and Fredrik Heintz
    Linköping Electronic Conference Proceedings 208. 2024.
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    On the origin of film and the resurrection of the people : D.W. Griffith's Intolerance -- The actor of the crowd : The great dictator -- Howard Hawks' idea of genre -- What is a cinema of Jewish vengeance? : Tarantino's Inglourious basterds.
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    Dramatic Experiments: Life According to Diderot
    State University of New York Press. 2013.
    _A major new interpretation of the philosophical significance of the oeuvre of Denis Diderot._
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    Dramatic Experiments: Life According to Diderot
    State University of New York Press. 2013.
    _A major new interpretation of the philosophical significance of the oeuvre of Denis Diderot._
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    This dissertation, which consists in a reading of Herman Melville's novel Moby-Dick, has a double aim: it situates what is at stake in Moby-Dick in the context of the contemporary project of putting into question and rethinking of the traditional status and function of literature and art, a project sometimes referred to under the general label of the 'critique of the aesthetic'. It attempts to show that Moby-Dick's way of raising anew this problem we call literature consists in a complex attempt…Read more