PhD in Philosophy (March 2018) by the Graduate Program in Philosophy of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (PPGF / UFRJ - CAPES Scholarship). Master in Philosophy (February 2014) by the Graduate Program in Philosophy of the Federal University of Uberlândia (PPGF / UFU - CAPES Scholarship). Bacheleor in Philosophy (December 2011) from the Catholic University of Uberlândia (FAPEMIG - Scholarship - scientific initiation Program). Member of the research group "Seminar of Brazilian Philosophy: Self-awareness, freedom and action", led by Prof. Dr. Luiz Alberto Cerqueira (PPGF / UFRJ). Member of the Group "Materialist and dualistic perspective…
PhD in Philosophy (March 2018) by the Graduate Program in Philosophy of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (PPGF / UFRJ - CAPES Scholarship). Master in Philosophy (February 2014) by the Graduate Program in Philosophy of the Federal University of Uberlândia (PPGF / UFU - CAPES Scholarship). Bacheleor in Philosophy (December 2011) from the Catholic University of Uberlândia (FAPEMIG - Scholarship - scientific initiation Program). Member of the research group "Seminar of Brazilian Philosophy: Self-awareness, freedom and action", led by Prof. Dr. Luiz Alberto Cerqueira (PPGF / UFRJ). Member of the Group "Materialist and dualistic perspectives in Philosophy of Mind and in Analytical Philosophy of Religion", led by Prof. Dr. Leonardo Ferreira Almada (IF / UFU). Research topics: Freedom and Moral Action. Areas of research: Ethics, Metaphysics and History of Philosophy. It develops researches in Philosophy of the Mind and Epistemology of Neurosciences, more specifically on philosophical problems derived from the studies on the neurophysiological correlates of the conscience.
Bachelor in Behavioral Sciences (with Major in Psychology) by Andrews University (May 2006), campus Newbold College (UK). Working experience as Behavioral Therapist at the Richmond Special School between 2007 and 2008, in Auckland, New Zealand. In England, In England Edmar worked as Assistant Professor in several special education schools between the years of 2004 and 2007. In Brazil Edmar worked as lecturer and tutor of philosophy and sociology in undergraduate and postgraduate courses from 2010 to 2015.