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    Wilfrid Sellars angrep på «myten om det gitte»
    Norsk Filosofisk Tidsskrift 40 (1): 5-19. 2005.
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    Helge Svare: «Livet er en reise» – Metaforer i filosofi, vitenskap og dagligliv
    Norsk Filosofisk Tidsskrift 38 (3): 241-245. 2003.
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    The presumption of first-person authority suggests that social scientists might take an informant’s sincere self-ascriptions at face value. However, in cases involving irrational belief-formation or akrasia, it might be difficult to square an informant’s sincere self-ascriptions with observations of his conduct, casting doubts about their accuracy or correctness. This paper discusses the scope and role played by first-person authority in interpretation, offers an account of when, and why, counte…Read more
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    Metaforers kognitive rolle
    Norsk Filosofisk Tidsskrift. forthcoming.
  • This dissertation provides an interpretation and assessment of Donald Davidson's work on first-person authority. First-person authority is the thesis that subjects have a privileged non-evidence-based form of epistemic warrant for self-ascriptions of psychological concepts that does not attach to third-person evidence-based ascriptions of the same concepts. Davidson thinks the fact that we do have first-person authority over self-ascriptions of psychological concepts gives rise to two connected …Read more
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    Interpretivism, First-Person Authority, and Confabulation
    Philosophy of the Social Sciences 47 (4-5): 311-329. 2017.
    Psychological experiments allegedly show that people have a tendency to confabulate explanations of their behavior, because their conscious selves do not know why they do what they do, and therefore create the explanations that make most sense. This article explains why confabulation is neither a threat to interpretivist social science nor a threat to the presumption of first-person authority in Davidson’s interpretation theory. The reason is that the interpretative endeavor, which is necessary …Read more
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    Davidsons forklaring på førstepersons autoritet
    Norsk Filosofisk Tidsskrift 39 (1-2): 120-136. 2004.
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    In An Interpretation and Assessment of First-Person Authority in the Writings of Philosopher Donald Davidson, first-person authority is the thesis that subjects have a non-evidence-based form of epistemic warrant for self-ascriptions of psychological concepts that does not attach to a third-person evidence-based ascriptions of the same concepts.