•  11
    Journalists depend on two vectors of trust: the trust invested in them by their sources, and the trust invested in them by their end-users. For many years, trust has become a key issue in the articulation of the journalistic profession. This paper distinguishes between two traditional approaches to earn public trust: either through an emphasis on the ideal of objectivity, or by a sort of showing one’s cards: an explicit declaration of one’s subjectivity. Through a reading of Løgstrup, Derrida, a…Read more
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    Searching for the fourfold in critical discourse analysis
    Philosophy and Social Criticism 50 (9): 1335-1353. 2024.
    This article argues that late Heidegger’s analyses of the Fourfold can be used as a methodological starting point for discourse analyses. It argues that the Fourfold points out elements or foundations of discursive structures that orient us to differing, and to some extent opposing, directions that are at the same time mutually interdependent. A discursive analysis of how the Fourfold is at play in prevailing discursive exchanges and structures will thus be a matter of situating ourselves in a c…Read more
  •  23
    ABSTRACT Silence is often considered under the sign of repression or oppression, and as such, the result of forces hostile to democracy. In this paper we will try to demystify that unilateral image of silence, reviving the dialectic between silence and democracy in which the former operates as a foundational precondition for exchanges in the democratic public spheres. An increased awareness of the structures of silence will help us reflect upon what remains external to ongoing public discourses.…Read more
  •  44
    The Fourth Estate: The construction and place of silence in the public sphere
    Philosophy and Social Criticism 44 (10): 1071-1089. 2018.
    The main narratives of prevailing ideas of the Fourth Estate were articulated in the era of traditional mass media, and these traditional narratives are challenged by the changing media landscapes. This raises the question whether traditional narratives of the Fourth Estate should be maintained. We will argue – through a close reading of Derrida’s reflections on the relationship between communicative significance and silence, combined with a deliberative ideal for democracy – that the new struct…Read more
  • Reviews (review)
    with Francesco Sticchi
    Empedocles: European Journal for the Philosophy of Communication 7 (1): 99-106. 2016.
    Media Freedom as a Fundamental Right, Jan Oster (2015) Cambridge, MA: Cambridge University Press, 338 pp., ISBN: 9781107098954, h/bk, £79.99 Il Cinema Europeo Contemporaneo: Scenari Transazionali, Immaginari Globali, Ilaria A. de Pascalis (2015) Rome: Bulzoni Editore, 314 pp., ISBN: 978887870988, p/bk, € 22.00.
  •  32
    Deliberation and Forgiveness in the Public Sphere
    Critical Horizons 19 (1): 49-66. 2017.
    A common objection to the argument for deliberative democracy is that it cannot provide mechanisms for achieving its ideal of all-inclusiveness. This does, however, not in itself refute the deliberative ideal. In a reading of Hannah Arendt and Jacques Derrida’s writings on forgiveness, we argue that forgiving involves a renegotiation of our enemies and of ourselves. Hereby a renegotiation of the seemingly unbridgeable understandings of who our enemies are can be achieved. Forgiving involves a re…Read more
  •  31
    Aporias of courage and the freedom of expression
    Philosophy and Social Criticism 44 (1): 100-117. 2017.
    In this article we will suggest that the traditional account of the freedom of expression needs revision. The emergence of Internet media has shown that the traditional ideal of a plurality of voices does not in itself lead to fruitful public spheres. Inspired by Foucault’s interpretation of the Greek concept parrhesia we suggest that the plurality of voices should be supplemented with an ideal of courageous truth-telling. We will furthermore argue that the notion of courage has two dimensions t…Read more
  •  46
    Communicative In-Betweens of Email Communication
    Techné: Research in Philosophy and Technology 13 (1): 13-26. 2009.
    In this paper I seek to deconstruct internet-based communication. I highlight Derrida’s focus on the margins and in-betweens of communication, and relate it to the genre of e-mail. I argue (i) that the silence between the dialogic turns becomes more marked, while (ii) the separation of present and previous statements becomes less marked. The visibility of the silence between the turns (i) can be a resource for increased awareness of how communicative exchanges are shaped by self-arrangements and…Read more
  •  28
    In this paper I discuss the recent attempt of Axel Honneth of establishing a robust notion of progress through reference to recognitive structures. I claim that two strategies can be found in his writings for founding such a claim. On the one hand he tries to found the notion of progress on how differentiated the recognitive structures are. On the other hand he tries to found it on certain empirically revealed anthropological and psychological constants. I argue that both strategies fail. The di…Read more
  •  21
    Due to the development of transnational communicative and economic structures, nation states are increasingly unable to be the starting point for journalistic regulation. In this chapter, therefore, I raise the question whether it is possible – and desirable – to have transnational rules for ethically good journalism. I argue that ethical evaluations should focus upon the meeting between normative ideals and factual realities. This meeting is always open because ideals can challenge reality, jus…Read more
  •  36
    The Foucault-Habermas debate: the reflexive and receptive aspects of critique
    Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 2005 (130): 63-83. 2005.
    In the field of critical philosophy, the view of Michel Foucault has been subject to very extensive discussion. It has been an ongoing puzzlement how he could reject any talk about ahistorical universals and at the same time claim philosophy – at least in its genealogic form – to be of critical importance. How could he claim any analysis to have only local significance, and at the same time take the view that some analyses can show other views to be problematic? According to what standards?A com…Read more
  •  22
    Hackers in Hiding: a Foucaultian Analysis
    Philosophy and Technology 29 (1): 5-19. 2016.
    On several occasions Michel Foucault advocated a methodological turn towards what he called a ‘happy positivism’. Foucault’s emphasis on the surface does not deny the importance of structures of hiding, but understands it as a game in which the structures of hiding are viewed as contingently given. In this paper, I will analyse the conflict between the hacker movement and the field of corporate interests. I argue that the introduction of graphical user interfaces and the maintaining of copyright…Read more
  •  22
    The Homo Sacer of open-source journalism
    Empedocles: European Journal for the Philosophy of Communication 6 (1): 21-38. 2015.
    In this article I discuss the democratic implications of a journalistic turn towards some of the ideals hosted in the open-source movements. I argue that such a turn would be, from the egalitarian and democratic points of view, of real benefit, since it seems to facilitate a dissolution of several dichotomies. It is, however, also important to notice that in this gesture of overturning ossified norms, new kinds of blind spots in the public awareness are created. Think, for instance, of the exclu…Read more
  •  19
    In this paper I investigate the relationship between T.W. Adornos general aesthetic theory and his actual view on contemporary art. Adornos view on art is centered around concepts like praxis, matter and critique: Fine art is supposed to make it obvious that any understanding of matter always in some way is inadequate. Praxis is always grounded on an understanding of matter, but in hiding this fact it becomes ideological and repressive. The fine arts have to make this visible – they have to crit…Read more
  •  69
    Kantian Antinomies in Digital Communications Media
    Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 2010 (150): 137-142. 2010.
    I.It is probably no controversial claim to state that there has been a major change in the communicative landscape during the last 10 to 20 years, due to technological innovations that have created utterly new types of digital communicative media. In the following, I apply an analysis, rooted in Kant's analysis of the antinomies of reason in Critique of Pure Reason, by which I argue that we can see a dogmatic strain in the digital media. Kant arrives at the discussion of the antinomies in book t…Read more