• Maleviéc Artista E Teorico
    with Kazimir Severinovich Malevich and G. L. Demosfenova
    Olograf. 1991.
  • Stanovlenie Realizma Bal Zaka
    with M. N. Bobrova
    Izd-Vo Saratovskogo Universiteta. 1964.
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    The Adaptation of Man as a Socio-Natural Problem
    Dialogue and Universalism 18 (11-12): 151-162. 2008.
    Man is a biosocial entity, so, in the study of his adaptive peculiarities two directions, that is, biologic and social, can be determined. Within the biological framework it is possible to combine evolutionary, genetic, medical-biological and ecological investigations. Recently, the problem of man’s adaptation to profound changes taking place in the environment, under the impact of man’s activity, becomes of growing importance. The second direction of the man adaptation research may be called so…Read more
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    The main characteristic of the modern environment is the negative change by its people – destruction and pollution. Man is part of the biosphere and the technogenic transformations of the biosphere inevitably affect him. Under the influence of technogenic civilization, all spheres of human activity undergo changes, and science above all. Ecology is especially keenly aware of the challenges of technogenic civilization. It focuses on anthropogenic factors, works with the human environment. At the …Read more
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    Abstraction in Russia, XX Century
    with Xx vek Abstraktsiia V. Rossii and Russia) Gosudarstvennyi Russkii Muzei Petersburg
    . 2001.
    Abstraction has long been acknowledged to be one of the key concepts in 20th century art. The artists of the Russian avant-garde, above all Wassily Kandinsky and Kazimir Malevich, made a leading contribution to the birth and establishment of this excitin.
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    Человек и информационная среда
    Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 35 71-77. 2008.
    In the present-day information burst and information revolution epoch the mankind must realize the adaptation to the new conditions of its existence in the limited time. The most important problem is the problem of the human being successful adaptation to the modern information medium. The information medium is the factor demanding absolutely new adaptation of human being. Modern information medium specific character leads to correction of existing nature and social human being adaptation mechan…Read more