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    Towards mutual recognition: Ricoeur against Kojève
    Revista Filosófica de Coimbra 32 (64): 453-472. 2023.
    In this article, we examine two philosophical theories of recognition: those of Paul Ricoeur and Alexandre Kojève. We trace this line of development in the theory of recognition as a return from Ricoeur to Kojève. Our hypothesis is that over the past twenty years, the theory of recognition has undergone a change in content and has transformed into a theory of misrecognition. In turn, the theory of misrecognition is grounded in the struggle between subjects and brings us back to the discourse of …Read more
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    On the meaning of historical epistemology for contemporary philosophy of science
    Epistemology and Philosophy of Science 51 (1): 42-46. 2017.
    The article analyzes historical epistemology and the notion of historical a priori. French historical epistemology appears in a narrow sense as a tradition within French philosophy. I will consider the tradition of historical epistemology not as a relativistic approach towards history and philosophy of science, but as a strategy against the standard view on normativity and legitimation of knowledge.