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    Observation of direct CP violation in K S,L → ππ decays
    with A. Alavi-Harati, I. F. Albuquerque, T. Alexopoulos, M. Arenton, K. Arisaka, S. Averitte, A. R. Barker, L. Bellantoni, A. Bellavance, J. Belz, Ben-David R., D. R. Bergman, E. Blucher, G. J. Bock, C. Bown, S. Bright, E. Cheu, S. Childress, R. Coleman, M. D. Corcoran, G. Corti, B. Cox, M. B. Crisler, A. R. Erwin, R. Ford, A. Glazov, A. Golossanov, G. Graham, J. Graham, K. Hagan, E. Halkiadakis, K. Hanagaki, S. Hidaka, Y. B. Hsiung, V. Jejer, J. Jennings, R. da JensenKessler, H. G. E. Kobrak, J. LaDue, A. Lath, A. Ledovskoy, P. L. McBride, A. P. McManus, P. Mikelsons, E. Monnier, T. Nakaya, U. Nauenberg, K. S. Nelson, H. Nguyen, V. O'Dell, M. Pang, R. Pordes, V. Prasad, C. Qiao, B. Quinn, E. J. Ramberg, R. E. Ray, A. Roodman, M. Sadamoto, S. Schnetzer, K. Senyo, P. Shanahan, P. S. Shawhan, W. Slater, N. Solomey, S. V. Somalwar, R. L. Stone, I. Suzuki, E. C. Swallow, R. A. Swanson, S. A. Taegar, R. J. Tesarek, G. B. Thomson, P. A. Toale, A. Tripathi, R. Tschirhart, Y. W. Wah, J. Wang, H. B. White, J. Whitmore, B. Winstein, R. Winston, J. Y. Wu, and T. Yamanaka
    We have compared the decay rates of KL and KS to π+π- and π0π0 final states using a subset of the data from the KTeV experiment at Fermilab. We find that the direct-CP-violation parameter Re is equal to [28.0 ± 3.0 ± 2.8] × 104. This result definitively establishes the existence of CP violation in a decay process. © 1999 The American Physical Society.